[general] server.name = log.path = @SYDENT_DATA@/sydent.log log.level = INFO pidfile.path = @SYDENT_DATA@/sydent.pid terms.path = address_lookup_limit = 10000 templates.path = @SYDENT_DATA@/res brand.default = matrix-org enable_v1_associations = true delete_tokens_on_bind = true ip.blacklist = ip.whitelist = homeserver_allow_list = enable_v1_access = true [db] db.file = @SYDENT_DATA@/sydent.db [http] clientapi.http.bind_address = clientapi.http.port = 8090 internalapi.http.bind_address = internalapi.http.port = replication.https.certfile = replication.https.cacert = replication.https.bind_address = replication.https.port = 4434 obey_x_forwarded_for = False federation.verifycerts = True client_http_base = [email] email.from = Sydent Validation email.subject = Your Validation Token email.invite.subject = %(sender_display_name)s has invited you to chat email.invite.subject_space = %(sender_display_name)s has invited you to a space email.smtphost = localhost email.smtpport = 25 email.smtpusername = email.smtppassword = email.hostname = email.tlsmode = 0 email.default_web_client_location = https://app.element.io email.third_party_invite_username_obfuscate_characters = 3 email.third_party_invite_domain_obfuscate_characters = 3 [sms] bodytemplate = Your code is {token} username = password = [crypto]