# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2023/10/18 23:13:41 gdt Exp $ # # The nextcloud update process only works from one version to the # next; one cannot update e.g from 16 to 18. It is a requirement for # stable branch users, if they update every stable branch, to have # automatic updates work. Therefore a major update can only be # committed to pkgsrc-current if it is one higher than the major # version in the previous stable branch. As an example, if 2020Q1 # contained 18.0.2, then during April to June it is ok to update to # later 18.x.y, to 19.0.0, and to later 19.x.y, but it is not ok to # update to 20. DISTNAME= nextcloud-26.0.5 PKGNAME= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-${DISTNAME} CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 MAINTAINER= ryoon@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= https://nextcloud.com/ COMMENT= File sharing web service server, version 26 LICENSE= gnu-agpl-v3 DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-gd>=5.4.0:../../graphics/php-gd DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-iconv>=5.4.0:../../converters/php-iconv DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-mbstring>=5.4.0:../../converters/php-mbstring DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-zip>=5.4.0:../../archivers/php-zip DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-zlib>=5.4.0:../../archivers/php-zlib DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-pdo>=5.4.0:../../databases/php-pdo DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-posix>=5.4.0:../../devel/php-posix DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-curl>=5.4.0:../../www/php-curl DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-intl>=5.4.0:../../textproc/php-intl DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-sodium>=5.4.0:../../security/php-sodium .include "options.mk" WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/nextcloud USE_LANGUAGES= # none NO_BUILD= yes USE_TOOLS+= bash:run pax perl:run NC_DIR= share/nextcloud INSTALLATION_DIRS= ${NC_DIR} # Nextcloud "documents" in lib/versioncheck.php that: # nextcloud requires at least PHP 8.0 # nextcloud it not compatible with PHP 8.3 or higher PHP_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE= 56 74 # for php interpreter CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP+= ${NC_DIR}/3rdparty/doctrine/dbal/bin/doctrine-dbal CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP+= ${NC_DIR}/3rdparty/dompdf/load_font.php CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP+= ${NC_DIR}/3rdparty/phpdocx/pdf/load_font.php CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP+= ${NC_DIR}/3rdparty/sabre/vobject/bin/* CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP+= ${NC_DIR}/apps/contacts/vendor/blueimp-tmpl/js/compile.js CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP+= ${NC_DIR}/occ .include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk" APACHE_USER?= nginx APACHE_GROUP?= nginx PKG_GROUPS= ${APACHE_GROUP} PKG_USERS= ${APACHE_USER}:${APACHE_GROUP} PKG_USERS_VARS= APACHE_USER PKG_GROUPS_VARS= APACHE_GROUP BUILD_DEFS+= APACHE_GROUP APACHE_USER FILES_SUBST+= WWWGRP=${APACHE_GROUP} WWWOWN=${APACHE_USER} \ NC_DIR=${NC_DIR} do-install: cd ${WRKDIR} && ${FIND} nextcloud -type f \! -name '*.orig' -print | \ pax -rw -pmp ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share .include "../../lang/php/json.mk" .include "../../lang/python/application.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"