$NetBSD: README,v 1.1 2024/02/26 15:06:27 taca Exp $ To use Concrete CMS with nginx, you will need to perform the following steps. 1. Install www/nginx and www/php-fpm with following in your mk.conf. APACHE_USER=nginx APACHE_GROUP=nginx 2. Setup PHP. At least, ${PREFIX}/etc/php.ini should have date.timezone line. If your machine are located in Tokyo, Japan, you should get the following. # cat ${PREFIX}/etc/php.ini | grep date.timezone date.timezone ="Asia/Tokyo" 3. Install MariaDB/MySQL database server. # cd databases/mariadb1011-server # make install 4. Start MariaDB/MySQL server, and setup MariaDB/MySQL server # ${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR}/mariadb start And see messages. 5. Add MariaDB/MySQL user, Concrete CMS $ mariadb -u root -p Enter password: YOUR_MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD > create user concretecms identified by 'concretecms_user_password'; > quit 6. Create database for Concrete CMS $ mariadb -u root -p Enter password: YOUR_MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD > create database concretecms_db; > grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER on concretecms_db.* to concretecms@localhost identified by 'concretecms_password'; > quit 7. Be sure to have the following lines in ${PREFIX}/etc/php.ini. default_charaset = UTF8 mbstring.language = neutral mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8 mbstring.http_input = auto mbstring.http_output = UTF-8 iconv.input_encoding = UTF-8 iconv.internal_encoding = UTF-8 8. Make sure to your php enabled these modules gd (graphics/php-gd) pdo_mysql (databases/php-pdo_mysql) iconv (converters/php-iconv) mbstring (converters/php-mbstring) curl (www/php-curl) mcrypt (security/pecl-mcrypt) zip (archivers/php-zip) 9. Be sure to have the following lines in ${PREFIX}/etc/nginx/nginx.conf http { include /usr/pkg/etc/nginx/mime.types; upstream php-handler { server; } server { listen 80; server_name YOUR_SERVER_NAME; client_max_body_size 20m; location / { root ${PREFIX}/share/concretecms; index index.php index.html index.htm; try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite; } location @rewrite { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php/$1 last; } location ~ \.php($|/) { root ${PREFIX}/share/concretecms; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } } } 10. Start php-fpm and nginx. # ${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR}/php_fpm start # ${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR}/nginx start 11. Access http://localhost/ And setup with the following information. database name: concretecms_db user name: concretecms password: concretecms_password