Getting started =============== Assuming NetBSD-style rc(8), to enable... Dynamic-capable authoritative DNS service: - Choose the domain for dynamic hostnames and the server IP. - Run "echo your.dyn.domain > @PKG_SYSCONFDIR@/domain". - Set tinydyndns=YES (and tinydyndns_ip) in /etc/rc.conf. - Run "@RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR@/tinydyndns start". - Arrange for the domain to be delegated to your new DNS server. Dynamic DNS updates via POP3: - Set tinydynpop3d=YES in /etc/rc.conf. - Run "@RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR@/tinydynpop3d start". A new dynamic-DNS hostname: - Run "tinydyndns-passwd ". - Configure a POP3 client with the same username (hostname) and password. Without a POP3 client: - Copy the output of "tinydyndns-make-client " to the desired system. - Store the password in the client script (or perhaps a password vault). - Run the client script from cron, when your IP changes, or as you prefer. Getting help ============ You've installed an automated and customized tinydyndns-run package. If you're having trouble getting the tinydyndns daemons to run, ask the package's maintainer: