# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.17 2023/06/12 07:56:37 wiz Exp $ # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-3270/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-Agave/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-AnonymousPro/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-Arimo/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-AurulentSansMono/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-BigBlueTerminal/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-BitstreamVeraSansMono/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-CascadiaCode/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-CodeNewRoman/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-Cousine/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-iA-Writer/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-IBMPlexMono/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-DaddyTimeMono/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-Meslo/Makefile # used by fonts/nerd-fonts-JetBrainsMono/Makefile CATEGORIES= fonts MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GITHUB:=ryanoasis/} GITHUB_PROJECT= nerd-fonts GITHUB_RELEASE= v3.0.2 DIST_SUBDIR= ${GITHUB_PROJECT}/${GITHUB_RELEASE:S/v//} EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/ # the glyphs/icons are from multiple sources, so all these licenses need to be accepted GLYPH_LICENSES= cc-by-v4.0 AND mit AND ofl-v1.1 AND unlicense AND apache-2.0 # allow overriding in case the derived font falls under a license not already covered by the glyphs LICENSE?= ${GLYPH_LICENSES} NO_BUILD= yes NO_CONFIGURE= yes WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}