The Unarchiver is an archive unpacker program with support for lots of archive formats including ZIP, RAR, 7z, tar, gzip, bzip2, LZMA, XZ, CAB, MSI, NSIS, EXE, ISO, BIN, split file formats, as well as the old Stuffit, Stuffit X, DiskDouble, Compact Pro, Packit, cpio, compress (.Z), ARJ, ARC, PAK, ACE, ZOO, LZH, ADF, DMS, LZX, PowerPacker, LBR, Squeeze, Crunch, and other old/obscure formats. It can also handle filenames in foreign character sets, created with non-English versions of some operating systems, and is particularly useful for processing CJK archives correctly. This package contains command-line tools for The Unarchiver, namely lsar and unar.