;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Labels ; ; (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology ; Department of Computer Science ; Pasadena, CA 91125. ; ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software ; and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby ; granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all ; copies. The California Institute of Technology makes no representations ; about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is ; provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Export of this ; software outside of the United States of America may require an ; export license. ; ; $Id: label.scm,v 2000/03/29 18:35:58 rajit Exp $ ; ; Requires: box.scm ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Create a labeller, horizontal or vertical ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define label.vert ()) (define label.horiz ()) (letrec ((labeller (lambda (name) (let ((x 0)) (lambda () (begin (label (string-append name (number->string x))) (set! x (+ x 1)) ) ) ) ) )) (begin (set! label.vert (lambda (name bit-pitch) (begin (if (and (string? name) (number? bit-pitch)) #t (error "Usage: label.vert \"name\" ") ) (let ((lbl (labeller name))) (lambda () (begin (lbl) (box.move 0 bit-pitch))) ) ) ) ) (set! label.horiz (lambda (name bit-pitch) (begin (if (and (string? name) (number? bit-pitch)) #t (error "Usage: label.horiz \"name\" ") ) (let ((lbl (labeller name))) (lambda () (begin (lbl) (box.move bit-pitch 0))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Place a label at (1,1) relative to the bottom left of the current ; box. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define label.draw (lambda (name layer) (let* ((x (getbox)) (lx (+ 1 (car x))) (ly (+ 1 (cadr x)))) (begin (if (and (string? name) (string? layer)) #t (error "Usage: label.draw \"name\" \"layername\"") ) (box.push x) (eval (cons 'box '(lx ly lx ly))) (label name up layer) (box.pop) #t ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Quote globbing characters ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define label.backslashify ()) (letrec ( ; ; put the list of characters you want backslashified here ; (quote-list (list (string-ref "[" 0) (string-ref "]" 0) (string-ref "*" 0))) ; ; ah well . . . needs to be fixed, but can't without sacrificing ; backward compatibility with old .src file; or by completely ; changing command behavior when parsing .scm files. Ah well. ; (quoted-backslash (substring "\\" 0 1)) ; -sigh- whatever works (string-to-list-helper (lambda (str pos) (if (=? pos (string-length str)) () (cons (substring str pos (+ pos 1)) (string-to-list-helper str (+ 1 pos)) ) ) ) ) ; ; Takes a string and cuts it into a list of strings each ; containing a single character ; (string-to-list (lambda (str) (string-to-list-helper str 0))) ; ; Appends a list of strings into a single one ; (list-to-string (lambda (l) (if (null? l) "" (string-append (car l) (list-to-string (cdr l))) ) ) ) ; ; Checks to see if x is a member of l ; (is-member? (lambda (x l) (cond ((null? l) #f) ((=? x (car l)) #t) (#t (is-member? x (cdr l))) ) ) ) ; ; Function that takes a one-character string and adds ; a backslash to it if it has to be backslashified. ; (convert (lambda (str) (if (is-member? (string-ref str 0) quote-list) (string-append quoted-backslash str) str) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; After all those helper functions in the nested scope, this function ; is just a one-liner . . . ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (set! label.backslashify (lambda (str) (list-to-string (mapcar convert (string-to-list str)))) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Rename all labels under the current box ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define label.rename ()) (define label.allren ()) (define label.swap ()) (letrec ((rename-helper (lambda (poslist name) (if (null? poslist) #t (begin (eval (cons 'box (cddar poslist))) (erase label) (label name up (cadar poslist)) (rename-helper (cdr poslist) name) ) ) ) )) (begin (set! label.rename (lambda (name1 name2) (begin (if (and (string? name1) (string? name2)) #t (error "Usage: label.rename \"name1\" \"name2\"") ) (box.push (getbox)) (rename-helper (getlabel (label.backslashify name1)) name2) (box.pop) ) ) ) (set! label.allren (lambda (name1 name2) (begin (if (and (string? name1) (string? name2)) #t (error "Usage: label.allren \"name1\" \"name2\"") ) (box.push (getbox)) (rename-helper (getlabel name1) name2) (box.pop) ) ) ) (set! label.swap (lambda (name1 name2) (begin (if (and (string? name1) (string? name2)) #t (error "Usage: label.swap \"name1\" \"name2\"") ) (box.push (getbox)) (define x1 (getlabel (label.backslashify name1))) (define x2 (getlabel (label.backslashify name2))) (rename-helper x1 name2) (rename-helper x2 name1) (box.pop) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Search for all labels matching a string under the current box. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define label.search ()) (define label.find-next ()) (define label.set! ()) (define drc.search ()) (define drc.find-next ()) (let ((label-list ()) (drc-list ())) (begin (set! label.set! (lambda (l) (set! label-list l))) (set! drc.search (lambda () (set! drc-list (mapcar (lambda (l) (cons "err" l)) (getpaint "err"))))) (set! label.search (lambda (name) (begin (if (string? name) #t (error "Usage: label.search \"name\"") ) (set! label-list (getlabel name)) ) ) ) (set! label.find-next (lambda () (if (null? label-list) (echo "No more labels") (begin (eval (cons 'box (cddar label-list))) (box w 2) (box h 2) (set! label-list (cdr label-list)) ) ) ) ) (set! drc.find-next (lambda () (if (null? drc-list) (echo "No more labels") (begin (eval (cons 'box (cddar drc-list))) (box w 2) (box h 2) (set! drc-list (cdr drc-list)) ) ) ) ) ) )