;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; (c) 1997 California Institute of Technology ; Department of Computer Science ; Pasadena, CA 91125. ; All Rights Reserved ; ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software ; and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby ; granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all ; copies. The California Institute of Technology makes no representations ; about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is ; provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Export of this ; software outside of the United States of America may require an ; export license. ; ; $Id: help.scm,v 2000/03/29 18:35:58 rajit Exp $ ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Help for scheme commands ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define scm-help ()) (define scm-add-help ()) (letrec ( (scm-help-list ()) (module-name (lambda (x) (car x))) (module-long-form (lambda (x) (cadr x))) (module-fns (lambda (x) (caddr x))) (dump-module-list (lambda (l) (if (null? l) #t (begin (echo (string-append (string-append (module-name (car l)) " :: ") (module-long-form (car l)) ) ) (dump-module-list (cdr l)) ) ) ) ) (dump-help (lambda (l name) (cond ((null? l) (echo "Module not found")) ((string=? (module-name (car l)) name) (begin (echo) (echo (module-fns (car l)))) ) (#t (dump-help (cdr l) name)) ) ) ) ) (begin (set! scm-help (lambda (name) (cond ((and (procedure? name) (eqv? name ?)) (begin (echo "Available help:") (echo) (dump-module-list scm-help-list) (collect-garbage) ) ) ((not (string? name)) (echo "Argument to scm-help must be a string")) ((string=? name "?") (begin (echo "Available modules:") (echo) (dump-module-list scm-help-list) (collect-garbage) ) ) (#t (dump-help scm-help-list name)) ) ) ) (set! scm-add-help (lambda (name long-form fns) (set! scm-help-list (cons (list name long-form fns) scm-help-list)) ) ) ) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; Everyone should put their help file in their own particular ; implementation directory. ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (scm-add-help "sel" "Selection commands" "Selection: :sel.netlist \"nm\" Selects a netlist labelled nm restricted by the box. All labels named nm under the box are selected along with whatever is electrically connected to them. :sel.push Pushes current selection onto selection stack :sel.pop Pops top of selection stack :sel.cmp Compares current selection with the top-of-stack. The List of labels that are different are bound to the label search list and can be browsed using label.find-next." ) (scm-add-help "prs" "Production-rule drawing" "Production rule drawing: :prs.draw w \"rule\" Draws transistor stacks for production rule with diffusion width w. :prs.talldraw w \"rule\" Same as prs.draw, only doesn't squish out diffusion between poly and contacts for intermediate nodes. :prs.mgn pw nw \"r1\" ... Draws list of rules, sharing contacts if possible. :prs.tallmgn pw nw \"r1\" Same as before, except unsquished diffusion." ) (scm-add-help "label" "Label manipulation" "Label Manipulation :label.rename \"n1\" \"n2\" renames all instances of n1 under the current box with n2. :label.swap \"n1\" \"n2\" renames all instances of n1 with n2 and n2 with n1 under the current box. :label.search \"n\" looks for all labels matching n under box. :label.find-next moves box to the next label position." ) (scm-add-help "gate" "Standard gates" "Standard gate generation The gate generation commands are of the form :command pw nw o i1 i2 ... iN pw and nw specify the width of the p- and n-diffusion stacks. o is the output, and i1 thru iN are the inputs. :gate.c pw nw o i1 .. iN C-element :gate.cf pw nw o i1 .. iN Folded C-element :gate.inv pw nw o i Inverter :gate.nor pw nw o i1 .. iN NOR gate :gate.nand pw nw o i1 .. iN NAND gate" )