;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Save and restore box position and cursor movement. ; ; (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology ; Department of Computer Science ; Pasadena, CA 91125. ; ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software ; and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby ; granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all ; copies. The California Institute of Technology makes no representations ; about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is ; provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Export of this ; software outside of the United States of America may require an ; export license. ; ; $Id: box.scm,v 2000/03/29 18:35:57 rajit Exp $ ; ; Requires: default.scm ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define box.list ()) (define box.=? (lambda (b1 b2) (and (and (=? (car b1) (car b2)) (=? (cadr b1) (cadr b2))) (and (=? (caddr b1) (caddr b2)) (=? (caddr b1) (caddr b2))) ) ) ) (define box.push (lambda (pos) (set! box.list (cons pos box.list)) ) ) (define box.pop (lambda () (if (null? box.list) (echo "Box list is empty") (let ((x (car box.list))) (begin (set! box.list (cdr box.list)) (if (box.=? x (getbox)) #t (eval (cons 'box x))) ) ) ) ) ) ; ; Magic's move command is buggy . . . -sigh- ; (define box.move (lambda (dx dy) (let* ((x (getbox)) (nllx (+ dx (car x))) (nlly (+ dy (cadr x))) (nurx (+ dx (caddr x))) (nury (+ dy (cadddr x)))) (box nllx nlly nurx nury) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Convex "box"-hull of two boxes ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define box.hull (lambda (b1 b2) (list (min (car b1) (car b2)) (min (cadr b1) (cadr b2)) (max (caddr b1) (caddr b2)) (max (cadddr b1) (cadddr b2)) ) ) )