.TH SMS 8 "Mon Jul 14 2003" "" "Network UPS Tools (NUT)" .SH NAME sms \- Driver for Brazilian SMS UPS equipment .SH NOTE This man page only documents the hardware\(hyspecific features of the sms driver. For information about the core driver, see \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8). .SH SUPPORTED HARDWARE This driver has been tested with : Manager III 650 VA Manager III 1300 VA\fR Manager III 650 VA sinusoidal Manager III 1300 VA sinusoidal Sinus Single 2000 VA sinusoidal on\(hyline Please report another SMS working models, or send\(hyme the driver detection string. .SH EXTRA ARGUMENTS This driver does not support any extra settings in the \fBups.conf\fR(5). .SH UPSCMD test.battery.stop \(hy Cancel battery test test.battery.start \(hy Run battery test until battery is low test.failure.start \(hy Simulate power failure shutdown.return \(hy Shut down in .3 minutes and restart in .3 minutes shutdown.stayoff \(hy Shut down in .3 minutes and do not return shutdown.stop \(hy Stop a shutdown command reset.watchdog \(hy Shutdown in 5 minutes and restart in 3 minutes. Call this with upscmd in crontab every minute. .SH AUTHOR Marcio Gomes .SH SEE ALSO .SS The core driver: \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8) .SS Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: http://www.networkupstools.org/