.TH SAFENET 8 "Thu Dec 28 2003" "" "Network UPS Tools (NUT)" .SH NAME safenet \- Driver for SafeNet compatible UPS equipment .SH NOTE This man page only documents the hardware\(hyspecific features of the safenet driver. For information about the core driver, see \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8). .SH SUPPORTED HARDWARE This driver supports UPS equipment which can be controlled via SafeNet v1.0 for Windows (serial interface only). .SH EXTRA ARGUMENTS This driver supports the following optional settings in the \fBups.conf\fR(5): .IP "manufacturer=\fIvalue\fR" Autodetection of this parameter is not possible yet (and it probably never will be). Therefor this user defined string accepts any name. The default is \fIunknown\fR. .IP "modelname=\fIvalue\fR" Like manufacturer above. The default is \fIunknown\fR. .IP "serialnumber=\fIvalue\fR" Like manufacturer above. The default is \fIunknown\fR. .SH UPSCMD test.battery.start \(hy Start UPS self test test.battery.stop \(hy Cancel UPS self test test.failure.start \(hy Start simulated power failure test.failure.stop \(hy Cancel simulated power failure beeper.on \(hy Enable UPS beeper beeper.off \(hy Disable UPS beeper shutdown.return \(hy Shut down in 1 second and wait for power to return shutdown.reboot \(hy Shut down in 1 seconds and reboot after 1 minute shutdown.reboot.graceful \(hy Shut down in 20 seconds and reboot after 1 minute .SH AUTHOR Arjen de Korte .SH SEE ALSO .SS The core driver: \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8) .SS Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: http://www.networkupstools.org/