.TH UPSD.CONF 5 "Fri Apr 23 2004" "" "Network UPS Tools (NUT)" .SH NAME upsd.conf \- Configuration for Network UPS Tools upsd .SH DESCRIPTION upsd uses this file to control access to the server and set some other miscellaneous configuration values. This file contains details on access controls, so keep it secure. Ideally, only the upsd process should be able to read it. .SH ACCESS CONTROL CONFIGURATION .IP "ACL \fIname\fR \fInetblock\fR" Define an Access Control List (ACL) called \fIname\fR that contains the network \fInetblock\fR. The netblock can be either the old style, such as this for a traditional "class C": ACL mynet Or, you can use new\(hystyle "CIDR format": ACL mynet To just list one host, it would look like one of these: ACL mybox ACL mybox ACLs are used whenever you need to refer to a network or host, such as in ACCEPT/REJECT definitions (below) and with "allowfrom" in \fBupsd.users\fR(5). .IP "ACCEPT \fIaclname\fR [\fIaclname\fR...] ACCEPT let clients on the hosts or networks defined by \fIaclname\fR connect to upsd. You may specify multiple ACL names on the ACCEPT line, and you may have multiple ACCEPT lines. ACCEPT localhost mybox ACCEPT otherbox .IP "REJECT \fIaclname\fR [\fIaclname\fR...] Like ACCEPT, but it denies access instead. upsd will close the connection without reading any data from the network. Note: you should still use firewall rules if your system provides them. That provides another level of coverage. REJECT badbox REJECT all .SH ACCESS CONTROL EXAMPLES Here is an example configuration to show some of what is possible. "bigserver" has a UPS attached to a serial port. It runs the driver, upsd, and upsmon in master mode. This definition is also referenced with an "allowfrom" in \fBupsd.users\fR(8). "workstation" draws from the same UPS as "bigserver", but has to monitor it over the network. It runs upsmon in slave mode. It is also referenced with an "allowfrom" in \fBupsd.users\fR(8). "webserver" doesn't get power from this UPS at all, but it runs the CGI programs so it can make nice status displays. An abuser's host is explicitly denied. Everything else is rejected. .IP .nf ACL bigserver ACL workstation ACL webserver ACL abuser ACL all ACCEPT bigserver workstation webserver REJECT abuser REJECT all .fi .LP .SH ACCESS CONTROL MATCHING ACCEPT and REJECT directives are checked in the order they occur in this file. The first ACL which matches a client causes the action to be taken. If you need to ACCEPT one host and REJECT the rest of a network, first list the host, then list the network on a line below it. ACCEPT goodhost REJECT badnet Any IP address which does not match one of your directives will default to REJECT. This is intended to keep your system safe if you forget to put "REJECT all" at the bottom. If you really want the whole world to have access to upsd, you can do "ACCEPT all", but that is not recommended. .SH OTHER CONFIGURATION DIRECTIVES .IP "MAXAGE \fIseconds\fR" upsd usually allows a driver to stop responding for up to 15 seconds before declaring the data "stale". If your driver takes a very long time to process updates but is otherwise operational, you can use MAXAGE to make upsd wait longer. Most users should leave this at the default value. .IP "STATEPATH \fIpath\fR" Tell upsd to look for the driver state sockets in \fIpath\fR rather than the default that was compiled into the program. .SH SEE ALSO \fBupsd\fR(8), \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8), \fBupsd.users\fR(5) .SS Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: http://www.networkupstools.org/