.na .nh . .TH tex2page 1 "2003-08-16" . .SH NAME . tex2page - converts TeX documents to Web pages . .SH SYNOPSIS . tex2page --help tex2page --version tex2page . .SH DESCRIPTION . tex2page makes Web pages from LaTeX and plain-TeX documents. . .PP The command .LP tex2page .LP converts the TeX source file to the HTML file .html, where is the basename of . Some auxiliary HTML files and some image files may also be created. The argument can be a full or relative pathname. If the latter, it is reckoned relative to the current directory. The extension may be omitted if it is .tex. . .PP In order to resolve cross-references, it may be necessary to invoke tex2page a couple of times. The log displayed on the console will inform you if such is the case. This log is also saved in the file .hlog. . .PP If tex2page is called without an argument, or if the file named by the argument doesn't exist, tex2page prints a brief help message and exits. If you repeatedly (i.e., >= 5 times) call it faultily despite its helpful advice, tex2page will visibly lose its patience. . .PP The complete documentation for tex2page is included in the tex2page distribution, and may also be viewed on the Web at .LP http://www.ccs.neu.edu/~dorai/tex2page/tex2page-doc.html . .SH OPTIONS . tex2page can be called with the following options instead of an argument filename. . .IP --help Print help message and exit. . .IP --version Print version information and exit. . .SH DIAGNOSTICS . If tex2page encounters a fatal error in the document, it displays the prompt .LP Type e to edit file at point of error; x to quit ? .LP If you now type e, a text editor is fired up, showing the offending file -- which may or may not be the main input file -- at the line containing the error. The particular editor chosen and the arguments with which it is called depends on the environment variables TEXEDIT or EDITOR (see the ENVIRONMENT section). . .PP If you type x, the editor is not called, and tex2page immediately exits. . .SH ENVIRONMENT . .IP TEXINPUTS tex2page uses the same search path as TeX to search for \einput and \eopenin files. The default search path is implementation-dependent but can be changed by setting the environment variable TEXINPUTS to a list of colon-separated directories. (If you wish to merely prepend your list to the default list, end your list with a colon.) Add two trailing forward slashes to any directory in TEXINPUTS that you want to recursively search all subdirectories of. . .IP TIIPINPUTS If the environment variable TIIPINPUTS is set, tex2page will use the TIIPINPUTS value as its search path instead of TEXINPUTS. TIIPINPUTS does not support the double-slash mechanism of TEXINPUTS. . .IP TEXEDIT If the environment variable TEXEDIT is set, tex2page uses its string value as the editor call to use when it encounters a fatal error (see the DIAGNOSTICS section). A possible value for TEXEDIT is ``vim +%d %s''. This calls the editor vim with %s replaced by the offending file's name, and %d replaced by the number of the offending line. . .IP EDITOR If TEXEDIT is not set, the value of the environment variable EDITOR is chosen as the editor. Note that unlike TEXEDIT which contains the editor call as a template, EDITOR contains simply the editor's name. If EDITOR is also not set, vi is chosen as the editor. .IP The editor is called with the arguments ` + ', where is the offending file's name and is the offending line number. It is not possible to alter the way the file and line arguments are supplied, but fortunately this style is accepted by vi, emacs, and all their clones. If you use an editor that requires a different argument style, use TEXEDIT. . .SH FILES . .IP ".hdir, .tex2page.hdir, ~/.tex2page.hdir" By default, tex2page generates its output HTML files in the current directory. You can specify a different directory by naming it in one of the following files: .IP .hdir in the current directory, or .tex2page.hdir in the current directory, or .tex2page.hdir in your home directory; .IP where is the basename of the input document. The first of these three files that exists overrides the rest. .IP The name in the .hdir file can be, or contain, the TeX control-sequence \ejobname, which expands to , the basename of the input document. . .IP .t2p Before processing a TeX source file whose basename is , tex2page will automatically load the file .t2p, if it exists. .t2p is a good place to put macros that are specific to the HTML version of the document. . .IP "tex2page.tex, tex2page.sty" tex2page recognizes some commands that are not supplied in the LaTeX or plain-TeX formats -- typically these are commands that add value to the HTML output. In order to keep an input document that uses these extra commands processable by TeX, working TeX definitions are provided in the TeX macro file tex2page.tex and the LaTeX macro package file tex2page.sty. Copy these macro files from the tex2page distribution to a directory in your TEXINPUTS. .IP Plain-TeX documents can use .IP \einput tex2page .IP while LaTeX documents can use .IP \eusepackage{tex2page} . .SH SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS . tex2page runs on Scheme or Common Lisp. It may also make use of the following programs: BibTeX, MakeIndex, Ghostscript, Dvips, MetaPost, and the NetPBM library. . .PP Out of the box, tex2page runs in MzScheme, but the distribution includes configuration information to allow tex2page to run on a variety of Scheme and Common Lisp implementations. See file INSTALL. . .SH BUGS . Email to dorai @ ccs.neu.edu. . .SH SEE ALSO . tex(1), latex(1), mzscheme(1), bibtex(1), makeindex(1L), mpost(1). . .SH COPYRIGHT . Copyright 1997-2003 by Dorai Sitaram. .PP Permission to distribute and use this work for any purpose is hereby granted provided this copyright notice is included in the copy. This work is provided as is, with no warranty of any kind.