.\" dummy line .TH HELP-DESK 1 "June 2003" .UC 4 .SH NAME help-desk \- The PLT Scheme documentation center .SH SYNOPSIS .B help-desk .SH DESCRIPTION .I Help Desk contains all of the documentation for the PLT suite of tools. .PP For further information on .I Help Desk, please consult the on-line documentation and other information available at .PP .ce 1 http://www.drscheme.org/ .SH FILES .I Help Desk looks for its libraries using the environment variables PLTHOME and PLTCOLLECTS. If this variable is not defined, the installation directory is assumed (usually "/usr/local/lib/plt/"). See the documentation for details. .PP Please consult your local administrator to determine whether the on-line documentation has been installed locally. .SH BUGS Submit bug reports via .ce 1 help-desk (encouraged), or via the web .ce 1 http://bugs.plt-scheme.org/ (discouraged) or by e-mail to .ce 1 bugs@plt-scheme.org (discouraged) .SH AUTHOR .I Help Desk was implemented by Paul Steckler, Robby Findler, and Matthew Flatt. The documentation was written by PLT. .SH SEE ALSO .BR mred(1), .BR mzscheme(1), .BR drscheme(1)