# # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is mozilla.org code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape # Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Erik van der Poel # ar=ar be=x-cyrillic bg=x-cyrillic ca=x-western cs=x-central-euro da=x-western de=x-western el=el en=x-western es=x-western et=x-baltic fi=x-western fr=x-western he=he hi=x-devanagari hr=x-central-euro hu=x-central-euro is=x-western it=x-western ja=ja ko=ko lt=x-baltic lv=x-baltic mk=x-cyrillic nl=x-western no=x-western pl=x-central-euro pt=x-western ro=x-central-euro ru=x-cyrillic sh=x-central-euro sk=x-central-euro sl=x-central-euro sq=x-western sr=x-cyrillic sv=x-western ta=x-tamil # to be remapped to x-tamil when bug 204586 is resolved and fontconfig # with the revised ta.orth file is widely deployed (fontconfig bug #84) #ta=x-unicode th=th tr=tr uk=x-cyrillic zh-cn=zh-CN zh-tw=zh-TW zh-hk=zh-TW zh=zh-CN # #============================== # # x-western # x-central-euro # x-cyrillic # el # tr # he # ar # x-baltic # th # ja # zh-CN # ko # zh-TW # x-unicode # x-user-def