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All Rights ReservedLicense information: http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/NSPR_FD_CACHE_SIZE_LOWNSPR_FD_CACHE_SIZE_HIGHFDgetipnodebynamefreehostentgetipnodebyaddrIpv6_to_Ipv4 layerNSPR_LOG_MODULES%63[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789]%n:%d%nsyncbufsizeall , %nNSPR_LOG_FILEUnable to create nspr log file '%s' %ld[%p]: AbortingAssertion failure: %s, at %s:%d NSPR pollable events 0(null)0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF%unable to grow monitor cache hash bucketsexpanded monitor cache to %d (buckets %d)linker-lockfailed to initialize shared libraries [%s] a.outLoaded library %s (init)NULLLD_LIBRARY_PATH/usr/lib:/liblinker path '%s'.so%s/lib%s%slib%s%s%s/%s%s%s incr => %d (find lib)Loaded library %s (load lib)%s decr => %dUnloaded library %s%s incr => %d (for %s)Loaded library %s (static lib)nspr_use_zone_allocatorNSPR_USE_ZONE_ALLOCATORpool: %d, zone: %d, size: %d, free: %d, hit: %d, miss: %d, contend: %d NSPR_ATOMIC_HASH_LOCKScountersPR_Counter: Initialization completePR_Counter: Create: QName: %s %p, RName: %s %p PR_Counter: Deleting: QName: %s, RName: %sPR_Counter: Deleting RName: %s, %pPR_Counter: Deleting unused QName: %s, %pPR_Counter: GetCounterHandleFromName: QName: %s, RName: %sPR_Counter: GetConterHandleFromName: %pPR_Counter: GetConterNameFromHandle: QNp: %p, RNp: %p, QName: %s, RName: %s, Desc: %sPR_Counter: Increment: %p, %ldPR_Counter: Decrement: %p, %ldPR_Counter: AddToCounter: %p, %ldPR_Counter: SubtractFromCounter: %p, %ldPR_Counter: GetCounter: %p, %ldPR_Counter: SetCounter: %p, %ldPR_Counter: FindNextQname: Handle: %p, Returns: %pPR_Counter: FindNextRname: Rhandle: %p, QHandle: %p, Returns: %pInfinityNaN%+dPR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERRORMemory allocation attempt failedPR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERRORInvalid file descriptorPR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERRORThe operation would have blockedPR_ACCESS_FAULT_ERRORInvalid memory address argumentPR_INVALID_METHOD_ERRORInvalid function for file typePR_ILLEGAL_ACCESS_ERRORPR_UNKNOWN_ERRORSome unknown error has occurredPR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROROperation interrupted by another threadPR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERRORfunction not implementedPR_IO_ERRORI/O function errorPR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERRORI/O operation timed outPR_IO_PENDING_ERRORI/O operation on busy file descriptorPR_DIRECTORY_OPEN_ERRORThe directory could not be openedPR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERRORInvalid function argumentPR_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERRORNetwork address not available (in use?)PR_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERRORNetwork address type not supportedPR_IS_CONNECTED_ERRORAlready connectedPR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERRORNetwork address is invalidPR_ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERRORLocal Network address is in usePR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERRORConnection refused by peerPR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE_ERRORNetwork address is presently unreachablePR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERRORConnection attempt timed outPR_NOT_CONNECTED_ERRORNetwork file descriptor is not connectedPR_LOAD_LIBRARY_ERRORFailure to load dynamic libraryPR_UNLOAD_LIBRARY_ERRORFailure to unload dynamic libraryPR_FIND_SYMBOL_ERRORSymbol not found in any of the loaded dynamic librariesPR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES_ERRORInsufficient system resourcesPR_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP_ERRORA directory lookup on a network address has failedPR_TPD_RANGE_ERRORAttempt to access a TPD key that is out of rangePR_PROC_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERRORProcess open FD table is fullPR_SYS_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERRORSystem open FD table is fullPR_NOT_SOCKET_ERRORNetwork operation attempted on non-network file descriptorPR_NOT_TCP_SOCKET_ERRORTCP-specific function attempted on a non-TCP file descriptorPR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IS_BOUND_ERRORTCP file descriptor is already boundPR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERRORAccess DeniedPR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERRORThe requested operation is not supported by the platformPR_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERRORThe host operating system does not support the protocol requestedPR_REMOTE_FILE_ERRORAccess to the remote file has been severedPR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERRORThe value requested is too large to be stored in the data buffer providedPR_CONNECT_RESET_ERRORTCP connection reset by peerPR_RANGE_ERRORUnusedPR_DEADLOCK_ERRORThe operation would have deadlockedPR_FILE_IS_LOCKED_ERRORThe file is already lockedPR_FILE_TOO_BIG_ERRORWrite would result in file larger than the system allowsPR_NO_DEVICE_SPACE_ERRORThe device for storing the file is fullPR_PIPE_ERRORPR_NO_SEEK_DEVICE_ERRORPR_IS_DIRECTORY_ERRORCannot perform a normal file operation on a directoryPR_LOOP_ERRORSymbolic link loopPR_NAME_TOO_LONG_ERRORFile name is too longPR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERRORFile not foundPR_NOT_DIRECTORY_ERRORCannot perform directory operation on a normal filePR_READ_ONLY_FILESYSTEM_ERRORCannot write to a read-only file systemPR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERRORCannot delete a directory that is not emptyPR_FILESYSTEM_MOUNTED_ERRORCannot delete or rename a file object while the file system is busyPR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE_ERRORCannot rename a file to a file system on another devicePR_DIRECTORY_CORRUPTED_ERRORThe directory object in the file system is corruptedPR_FILE_EXISTS_ERRORCannot create or rename a filename that already existsPR_MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES_ERRORDirectory is full. No additional filenames may be addedPR_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE_ERRORThe required device was in an invalid statePR_DEVICE_IS_LOCKED_ERRORThe device is lockedPR_NO_MORE_FILES_ERRORNo more entries in the directoryPR_END_OF_FILE_ERROREncountered end of filePR_FILE_SEEK_ERRORSeek errorPR_FILE_IS_BUSY_ERRORThe file is busyPR_OPERATION_ABORTED_ERRORThe I/O operation was abortedPR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROROperation is still in progress (probably a non-blocking connect)PR_ALREADY_INITIATED_ERROROperation has already been initiated (probably a non-blocking connect)PR_GROUP_EMPTY_ERRORThe wait group is emptyPR_INVALID_STATE_ERRORObject state improper for requestPR_NETWORK_DOWN_ERRORNetwork is downPR_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_ERRORSocket shutdownPR_CONNECT_ABORTED_ERRORConnection abortedPR_HOST_UNREACHABLE_ERRORHost is unreachablePR_LIBRARY_NOT_LOADED_ERRORThe library is not loadedPR_MAX_ERRORPlaceholder for the end of the listprerri-defaultenUnknown code clockcmoniomonlinkercvarschedthreadgcshmshmaNSPR_INHERIT_FDS=%s:%d:0x%lx:%s:%d:0x%lxNSPR_INHERIT_FDS%d:0x%lx0123456789abcdef%u.%u.%u.%usparcNewTraceBuffer: logSegments: %ld, logEntries: %ld, logEntriesPerSegment: %ld, logSegSize: %ldPRTrace: Failed to get trace bufferPRTrace: Got trace buffer of size: %ld, at %ptracePRTRACE: CreateTrace: Qname: %s, RName: %sPRTrace: Create: QName: %s %p, RName: %s %p PRTrace: Deleting: QName: %s, RName: %sPRTrace: Deleting RName: %s, %pPRTrace: Deleting unused QName: %s, %pPRSetTraceOption: PRTraceBufSize: %ldPRSetTraceOption: PRTraceEnable: %pPRSetTraceOption: PRTraceDisable: %pPRSetTraceOption: PRTraceSuspendPRSetTraceOption: PRTraceResumePRSetTraceOption: PRTraceSuspendRecordingPRSetTraceOption: PRTraceResumeRecordingPRSetTraceOption: PRTraceStopRecordingPRSetTraceOption: PRTraceLockTraceHandlesPRSetTraceOption: PRTraceUnLockHandlesPRSetTraceOption: Invalid command %ldPRGetTraceOption: PRTraceBufSize: %ldPRGetTraceOption: Invalid command %ldPRTrace: GetTraceHandleFromName: QName: %s, RName: %sPR_Counter: GetConterHandleFromName: %pPRTrace: GetConterNameFromHandle: QNp: %p, RNp: %p, QName: %s, RName: %s, Desc: %sPRTrace: FindNextQname: Handle: %p, Returns: %pPRTrace: FindNextRname: Rhandle: %p, QHandle: %p, Returns: %pPR_RecordTraceEntries: beginsNSPR_TRACE_LOGRecordTraceEntries: Environment variable not defined. ExitingRecordTraceEntries: Cannot open %s as trace log file. OS error: %ldRecordTraceEntries: LogResetRecordTraceEntries: LogSuspendRecordTraceEntries: LogResumeRecordTraceEntries: LogStopRecordTraceEntries: Invalid logOrder: %ldWriteTraceSegment: Buffer: %p, Amount: %ldRecordTraceEntries: PR_Write() failed. Error: %ldRecordTraceEntries: PR_Write() Tried to write: %ld, Wrote: %ldRecordTraceEntries: PR_Write(): Buffer: %p, bytes: %ldPR_RecordTraceEntries: Failed to initializePR_RecordTraceEntries: LostData segments: %ldRecordTraceEntries: PR_Write(): is suspendedRecordTraceEntries: exitingPR_GetTraceEntries: Next: %ld, LastSeen: %ldPR_GetTraceEntries: Copied: %ld, LastSeen: %ldSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y%.2ld%.3dAMPM%.2d%d%m/%d/%y%H:%M:%S%.4d%ZPR_PostSemlocks & condition variablesPR_WaitSemPR_DestroySemPR_NewSemlibsendfile.sodlopen(libsendfile.so) returns %pdlopen(0) returns %psendfilevdlsym(sendfilev) returns %pPR_StatPR_GetFileInfoPR_FD_ZERO (PR_Select)PR_PollPR_FD_SET (PR_Select)PR_FD_CLR (PR_Select)PR_FD_ISSET (PR_Select)PR_FD_NSET (PR_Select)PR_FD_NCLR (PR_Select)PR_FD_NISSET (PR_Select)PR_Select_PR_CreateThread: no thread scheduling privilegePR_JoinThread: 0x%X not joinable | already smashed PR_SetThreadPriority: no thread scheduling privilegePR_Yield()PR_Sleep(PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT)PR_Cleanup: shutting down NSPRBegin PR_EnumerateThreads In PR_EnumerateThreads callback thread %X thid = %X End PR_EnumerateThreads count = %d Begin suspend_signal_handler thred %X thread id = %X End suspend_signal_handler thred = %X tid = %X pt_SuspendSet thred %X thread id = %X doing pthread_kill in pt_SuspendSet thred %X tid = %X Begin pt_SuspendTest thred %X thread id = %X End pt_SuspendTest thred %X tid %X pt_ResumeSet thred %X thread id = %X Begin pt_ResumeTest thred %X thread id = %X End pt_ResumeTest thred %X tid %X Begin PR_SuspendAll Begin PR_ResumeAll in PR_GetSP thred %X thid = %X, sp = %X _MD_CloseFileMap(): error closing anonymnous file map osfd_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): _PR_MakeNativeIPCName() failed: %sPR_OpenSharedMemory: New PRSharedMemory out of memoryPR_OpenSharedMemory: New shm->ipcname out of memory_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): shm_open failed: %s, OSError: %d_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): ftruncate failed, OSError: %d_MD_AttachSharedMemory(): mmap failed: %s, errno: %d_MD_AttachSharedMemory(): name: %s, attached at: %p_MD_DetachSharedMemory(): munmap failed: %s, errno: %d_MD_CloseSharedMemory(): close() failed, error: %d_MD_DeleteSharedMemory(): shm_unlink failed: %s, errno: %d_MD_DeleteSharedMemory(): %s, success%s/.NSPR-AFM-%d-%p.%d_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): PR_snprintf(): failed, generating filename_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): open(): failed, filename: %s, errno: %d_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): failed on unlink(), errno: %d_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): unlink(): %s_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): PR_ImportFile(): failed_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): fd: %p_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): failed on ftruncate(), errno: %d_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): ftruncate(): size: %dPR_OpenAnonFileMap(): failed_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): PR_CreateFileMap(): fm: %p%ld:%d_md_ImportFileMapFromString(): PR_ImportFile() failed_md_ImportFileMapFromString(): PR_GetOpenFileInfo64() failed_md_ImportFileMapFromString(): PR_CreateFileMap() failed>,00<0H0T0`0l0x00000000000000 0,080D0P0\0h0t0000000000000~0{0x(0u40r@0oL0lX0id0fp0c|0`0]0Z0W0T0Q0N0K0H0E0B0? 0<09$06003<00H0-T0*`0'l0$x0!0000000 0 00000 0,080D0P0\0h0t000000000000000(040@0L0X0d0p0|000000000000 0|0y$0v00s<0pH0mT0j`0gl0dx0a0^0[0X0U0R0O0L0I0F0C0@0=0: 07,04801D0.P0+\0(h0%t0"0000000 0 000000(040@0L0X0d0p0|00000000000 0 0 0 $0 00 <0 H0 T0 `0 l0 x0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} 0z 0w ,0t 80q D0n P0k \0h h0e t0b 0_ 0\ 0Y 0V 0S 0P 0M 0J 0G 0D 0A 0> 0; 08 (05 402 @0/ L0, X0) d0& p0# |0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 00 <0 H0 T0 `0 l0 x0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 80 D0 P0 \0 h0 t0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00~0{0x(0u40r@0oL0lX0i!N!^!m!x!!!  !!5x !8 ooXTooWToo4]|9x oo/,>,?8?8 ,HdHdxJJJM m