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Set! works on undefined identifiers. argvprogram%s: bad switch %s Use the --help or -h flag for help. read-eval-print-loop notnotboolean?boolean?eq?eq?eqv?eqv?equal?equal?namespace-symbol->identifiernamespace-symbol->identifiernamespace-variable-valuenamespace-variable-valuenamespace-set-variable-value!namespace-set-variable-value!namespace-undefine-variable!namespace-undefine-variable!namespace-mapped-symbolsnamespace-mapped-symbolsnamespace-module-registrynamespace-module-registrysyntax-local-valuesyntax-local-valuesyntax-local-namesyntax-local-namesyntax-local-contextsyntax-local-contextsyntax-local-get-shadowersyntax-local-get-shadowersyntax-local-introducesyntax-local-introducesyntax-local-module-introducesyntax-local-module-introducemake-syntax-introducermake-syntax-introducermake-set!-transformermake-set!-transformerset!-transformer?set!-transformer?set!-transformer-procedureset!-transformer-proceduremake-rename-transformermake-rename-transformerrename-transformer?rename-transformer?mzscheme#%kernelPrimitive count %d doesn't match expected count %d Turn off USE_COMPILED_STARTUP in src/schminc.h internal error: scheme_add_binding: index out of range: %d%denv%dinternal error: not syntaxvariable used out of contextlocal syntax identifier cannot be mutatedidentifier used out of contextrequirebroken compiled code (phase %d): cannot find module %Sunbound variable in modulecannot mutate module-required variableunbound variable in modulenot an identifier%sduplicate %s nameduplicate %s nameidentifier for a %s definition already has a %s%s contextinternal error: add_mapping: too many: %dinternal error: scheme_resolve_info_lookup: variable %d not foundinternal error: didn't find an stx posnamespace-symbol->identifiersymbolnamespace-symbol->identifiernamespacenamespace-variable-valuesymbolnamespace-variable-valueprocedure (arity 0) or #fnamespace-variable-valuenamespacenamespace-variable-valuebound to syntaxnamespace-set-variable-value!symbolnamespace-set-variable-value!namespacenamespace-undefine-variable!symbolnamespace-undefine-variable!namespacenamespace-mapped-symbolsnamespacenamespace-module-registrynamespacesyntax-local-valuesyntax identifiersyntax-local-valuesyntax-local-valueinternal-define%dmoduletop-levelexpressionsyntax-local-introducesyntaxsyntax-local-module-introducesyntaxsyntax-local-get-shadowersyntax identifiersyntax-introducersyntaxsyntax-introducermake-set!-transformerset!-transformer-procedureset!-transformermake-rename-transformersyntax identifierdefault-error-escape-handler%d%o%ld%f%ld::%s; errno=%derrno=?errorerrorraise-syntax-errorraise-syntax-errorraise-type-errorraise-type-errorraise-mismatch-errorraise-mismatch-errorerror-display-handlererror-value->string-handlererror-escape-handlerexit-handlererror-print-widtherror-print-source-locationexitexitdefault-exit-handlerdefault-error-value->string-handler#%kerneldefault-error-display-handlererror trying to display error: error trying to escape from error: error escape handler did not escape; calling the default error escape handler###%t: no clause matching %d argument%s%t: expects no arguments, given %d%t: expects at least %d argument%s, given %d%t: expects %d argument%s, given %d%t: expects %d to %d arguments, given %d: ; %s%s were: ; given %d arguments totalth%t:%L%ld: %t::: :%L%ld: compileexpandapplicationset!begin#%appmzschememzschemebegin (possibly implicit)?%t%s: %t at: %t in: %t%t%s: %t in: %t%s: %t; arguments were: (%d args)procedure ...%s%scontext%s%t%s expected %d value%s, received %d value%s%treference to an identifier before its definition: %S in module: %Sreference to an identifier before its definition: %Serror: errorstringerror: errorstring or symbol raise-syntax-errorsymbol, module source list, or #fraise-syntax-errorstring%Traise-type-errorsymbolraise-type-errorstringraise-type-errorexact non-negative integerraise-mismatch-errorsymbolraise-mismatch-errorstringdefault-error-display-handlerstring default-error-value->string-handlernumberuncaught exception: %s by %s: %tmessagecontinuation-marksidvalueexpectedexpectedexprformmodulesourcelinecolumnpositionspanportpathnamedetailcontinuationwidthexnexnexn:userexn:userexn:variableexn:variableexn:applicationexn:applicationexn:application:arityexn:application:arityexn:application:typeexn:application:typeexn:application:mismatchexn:application:mismatchexn:application:divide-by-zeroexn:application:divide-by-zeroexn:application:continuationexn:application:continuationexn:syntaxexn:syntaxexn:readexn:readexn:read:eofexn:read:eofexn:read:non-charexn:read:non-charexn:i/oexn:i/oexn:i/o:portexn:i/o:portexn:i/o:port:readexn:i/o:port:readexn:i/o:port:writeexn:i/o:port:writeexn:i/o:port:closedexn:i/o:port:closedexn:i/o:filesystemexn:i/o:filesystemexn:i/o:tcpexn:i/o:tcpexn:i/o:udpexn:i/o:udpexn:threadexn:threadexn:moduleexn:moduleexn:breakexn:breakexn:special-commentexn:special-commentexn:miscexn:miscexn:misc:unsupportedexn:misc:unsupportedexn:misc:out-of-memoryexn:misc:out-of-memorycurrent-exception-handlerinitial-exception-handlerraiseraisedefault-exception-handlerdefine-valuesletrec-valuesletlambdaunknown-vquoteletrec-syntaxes+valuesbeginmoduleinternal-defineexpressiontop-levelevalevaleval-syntaxeval-syntaxcompilecompilecompile-syntaxcompile-syntaxcompiled-expression?compiled-expression?expandexpandexpand-syntaxexpand-syntaxlocal-expandlocal-expandexpand-onceexpand-onceexpand-syntax-onceexpand-syntax-onceexpand-to-top-formexpand-to-top-formexpand-syntax-to-top-formexpand-syntax-to-top-formnamespace-syntax-introducenamespace-syntax-introducebreak-enabledcurrent-evalcompile-allow-set!-undefined#%app#%datum#%top#%app#%datum#%topStack grows UP, not DOWN. linkbroken compiled code (phase %d, in %V), no declaration for module: %Sgot top-level in wrong placeinternal error: compile-list on non-listillegal use of syntaxnot syntaxbad syntaxbad syntax; %s is not allowed, because no %S syntax transformer is boundlambdabad syntaxbad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (empty form)bad syntax (illegal use of `.')name must be an identifierno expression after a sequence of internal definitionsbad syntaxbad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (illegal use of `.')lexical bindingnamespaceevaleval-syntaxsyntaxeval-syntaxnamespace-syntax-introducesyntaxcompile-syntaxsyntaxexpand-syntaxsyntaxinternal error: shouldn't get to stop syntaxlocal-expand'expression, 'module, 'top-level, or non-empty listlocal-expandlist of identifier syntaxlocal-expandlist of identifier syntaxexpand-syntax-oncesyntaxexpand-syntax-to-topsyntaxapp writer shouldn't be usedbranch writer shouldn't be useduprelativesameill-formed-pathalready-existsreadwriteexecutetemp-dirhome-dirpref-dirinit-dirinit-filesys-dirpref-fileexec-fileaddon-dirfile-exists?file-exists?directory-exists?directory-exists?link-exists?link-exists?delete-filedelete-filerename-file-or-directoryrename-file-or-directorycopy-filecopy-filebuild-pathbuild-pathsplit-pathsplit-pathrelative-path?relative-path?absolute-path?absolute-path?complete-path?complete-path?path->complete-pathpath->complete-pathresolve-pathresolve-pathsimplify-pathsimplify-pathexpand-pathexpand-pathnormal-case-pathnormal-case-pathdirectory-listdirectory-listfilesystem-root-listfilesystem-root-listmake-directorymake-directorydelete-directorydelete-directorymake-file-or-directory-linkmake-file-or-directory-linkfile-or-directory-modify-secondsfile-or-directory-modify-secondsfile-or-directory-permissionsfile-or-directory-permissionsfile-sizefile-sizecurrent-drivecurrent-drivefind-system-pathfind-system-pathcurrent-directorycurrent-library-collection-pathscurrent-driveHOMEUSERLOGNAMEfile-exists?stringfile-exists?directory-exists?stringdirectory-exists?link-exists?stringlink-exists?build-path elementbuild-pathstring or 'up or 'samesplit-pathstringsplit-pathpath->complete-pathpath->complete-pathstringpath->complete-pathstringpath->complete-pathpath->complete-pathdelete-filestringdelete-filerename-file-or-directorystringrename-file-or-directorystringrename-file-or-directoryrename-file-or-directorycopy-filestringcopy-filestringcopy-filecopy-filerbwbrelative-path?stringcomplete-path?stringabsolute-path?stringresolve-pathstringresolve-pathsimplify-pathsimplify-pathstringsimplify-pathexpand-pathstringexpand-pathnormal-case-pathstringdirectory-liststringdirectory-listdirectory-listdirectory-listfilesystem-root-list/make-directorystringmake-directorydelete-directorystringdelete-directorymake-file-or-directory-linkstringmake-file-or-directory-linkstringmake-file-or-directory-linkmake-file-or-directory-linkfile-or-directory-modify-secondsstringfile-or-directory-modify-secondsfile-or-directory-modify-secondsexact integerfile-or-directory-permissionsstringfile-or-directory-permissionsfile-sizestringfile-sizecurrent-directorycurrent-directorymzschemefind-system-pathsystem-path-symbolfind-system-path/TMPDIR/usr/tmp/tmpprocedure?procedure?applyapplymapmapfor-eachfor-eachandmapandmapormapormapcall-with-valuescall-with-valuesvaluesvaluescall-with-escape-continuationcall-with-escape-continuationcall/eccall-with-current-continuationcall-with-current-continuationcall/cccurrent-continuation-markscurrent-continuation-markscontinuation-markscontinuation-markscontinuation-mark-set->listcontinuation-mark-set->listcontinuation-mark-set?continuation-mark-set?voidvoidvoid?void?time-applytime-applycurrent-millisecondscurrent-millisecondscurrent-inexact-millisecondscurrent-inexact-millisecondscurrent-process-millisecondscurrent-process-millisecondscurrent-gc-millisecondscurrent-gc-millisecondscurrent-secondscurrent-secondsseconds->dateseconds->datedynamic-winddynamic-windobject-nameobject-nameprocedure-arityprocedure-arityprocedure-arity-includes?procedure-arity-includes?primitive?primitive?primitive-closure?primitive-closure?primitive-result-arityprimitive-result-aritycurrent-printcurrent-prompt-readmethod-arity-errorinferred-name%s%s%ld:%ld%s%s%ldbad syntax (empty body)bad application formprocedure (arity %d)struct procedure primitive-result_arityprimitiveprocedure-arityprocedureprocedure-arity-includes?procedureprocedure-arity-includes?applyprocedureapplyproper listprocedurelistproper listcall-with-valuescall-with-valuesprocedurecall-with-escaping-continuationcall-with-current-continuationcontinuation-markscontinuationcontinuation-marksescape continuation no long applicable: continuation-mark-set->listcontinuation-mark-setseconds->dateexact integertime-applyproceduretime-applyproper list > write-image-to-filewrite-image-to-fileread-image-from-fileread-image-from-filewrite-image-to-filestringwrite-image-to-filewrite-image-to-fileread-image-from-filestringread-image-from-filevector of stringsread-image-from-filenullpair?pair?consconscarcarcdrcdrset-car!set-car!set-cdr!set-cdr!cons-immutablecons-immutablenull?null?list?list?listlistlist-immutablelist-immutablelist*list*list*-immutablelist*-immutableimmutable?immutable?lengthlengthappendappendappend!append!reversereversereverse!reverse!list-taillist-taillist-reflist-refmemqmemqmemvmemvmembermemberassqassqassvassvassocassoccaarcaarcadrcadrcdarcdarcddrcddrcaaarcaaarcaadrcaadrcadarcadarcdaarcdaarcdadrcdadrcddarcddarcaddrcaddrcdddrcdddrcddddrcddddrcadddrcadddrcdaddrcdaddrcddadrcddadrcdddarcdddarcaaddrcaaddrcadadrcadadrcaddarcaddarcdaadrcdaadrcdadarcdadarcddaarcddaarcdaaarcdaaarcadaarcadaarcaadarcaadarcaaadrcaaadrcaaaarcaaaarboxboxbox-immutablebox-immutablebox?box?unboxunboxset-box!set-box!make-hash-tablemake-hash-tablemake-immutable-hash-tablemake-immutable-hash-tablehash-table?hash-table?hash-table-counthash-table-counthash-table-put!hash-table-put!hash-table-gethash-table-gethash-table-remove!hash-table-remove!hash-table-maphash-table-maphash-table-for-eachhash-table-for-eacheq-hash-codeeq-hash-codeequal-hash-codeequal-hash-codemake-weak-boxmake-weak-boxweak-box-valueweak-box-valueweak-box?weak-box?weakequalbad syntax (illegal use of `.')carpaircdrpairset-car!mutable-pairset-cdr!mutable-pairlengthproper listlengthproper listappendproper listappend!proper listappend!mutable proper listreverseproper listreverse!mutable proper listnon-negative exact integernon-negative exact integercddrcddrable valuecadrcadrable valuecdarcdarable valuecaarcaarable valuecdddrcdddrable valuecaddrcaddrable valuecdadrcdadrable valuecddarcddarable valuecdaarcdaarable valuecadarcadarable valuecaadrcaadrable valuecaaarcaaarable valuecddddrcddddrable valuecadddrcadddrable valuecdaddrcdaddrable valuecddadrcddadrable valuecdddarcdddarable valuecaaddrcaaddrable valuecadadrcadadrable valuecaddarcaddarable valuecdaadrcdaadrable valuecdadarcdadarable valuecddaarcddaarable valuecdaaarcdaaarable valuecadaarcadaarable valuecaadarcaadarable valuecaaadrcaaadrable valuecaaaarcaaaarable valueunboxboxset-box!mutable box'weak or 'equalredundant flag: make-hash-tablemake-immutable-hash-tablelist of pairsmake-immutable-hash-table'equalhash-table-counthash-tablehash-table?hash-table-put!mutable hash-tablehash-table-gethash-tablehash-table-remove!mutable hash-tablehash tableweak-box-valueweak-boxmodule#%module-beginrequirerequire-for-syntaxprovide#%kernelmodule#%module-begindefault-module-name-resolvercurrent-module-name-resolvercurrent-module-name-prefixdynamic-requiredynamic-requiredynamic-require-for-syntaxdynamic-require-for-syntaxnamespace-requirenamespace-requirenamespace-transformer-requirenamespace-transformer-requirenamespace-attach-modulenamespace-attach-modulenamespace-require/copynamespace-require/copynamespace-require/expansion-timenamespace-require/expansion-timecompiled-module-expression?compiled-module-expression?module-compiled-namemodule-compiled-namemodule-compiled-importsmodule-compiled-importsmodule-path-index?module-path-index?module-path-index-splitmodule-path-index-splitmodule-path-index-joinmodule-path-index-joinmodule->namespacemodule->namespacebegindefine-valuesdefine-syntaxesrequirerequire-for-syntaxprovideset!#%app#%toplambdacase-lambdalet-valuesletrec-valuesifbegin0set!with-continuation-markletrec-syntaxes+valuesfluid-let-syntaxprefixrenameall-exceptprefix-all-exceptall-fromall-from-exceptall-definedall-defined-exceptstructdefault-module-name-resolverthe kernel's resolver always fails; given: symbol, #f, or voidnamespace-attach-modulenamespacenamespace-attach-modulesymbolnamespace-attach-modulemodule not instantiated (in the source namespace): namespace-attach-moduleunknown module (in the source namespace): at phase %ldmodule->namespacemodule not instantiated in the current namespace: module->namespaceunknown module in the current namespace: module-compiled-namecompiled module declarationmodule-compiled-importscompiled module declarationmodule-path-index-splitmodule-path-indexmodule-path-index-joinnon-symbolmodule-path-index-joinmodule-path-index, symbol, or #frequirebroken compiled/expanded code: unresolved module index without path#%mred-kernelWelcome to MzSchemecompilevariable not provided (directly or indirectly%s) from module: %Smzschemedefine-syntaxes%s%s%sillegal use (not at top-level)module name is not an identifier#%kernelexpanded moduleno #%%module-begin binding in the module's languagecompiled body was not built with #%%module-beginmodule-direct-requiresmodule-direct-for-syntax-requiresmodule-variable-providesmodule-syntax-providesmodule-indirect-providesmodule-kernel-reprovide-hintmodule-self-path-indexmoduleimported identifier already definedmoduleidentifier already imported (from a different source)moduleimported identifier already definedillegal use (not a module body)bad syntax (illegal use of `.')moduleduplicate definition for identifiermoduleidentifier is already importedmoduleduplicate definition for identifiermoduleduplicate definition for identifiermoduleduplicate definition for identifiermoduleidentifier is already importedbad syntax (illegal use of `.')moduleidentifier already providedbad syntaxbad syntax (internal name is not an identifier)bad syntax (external name is not an identifier)bad syntax (data following external name)moduleidentifier already providedbad syntaxbad syntax (data following `all-from')bad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (missing module name)bad syntax (excluded name is not an identifier)bad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (not a struct identifier followed by a sequence of field identifiers)bad syntax (struct name is not an identifier)bad syntax (field name is not an identifier)bad syntax (illegal use of `.')moduleidentifier already providedbad syntaxbad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (excluded name is not an identifier)modulecannot provide from a module without a matching `require'moduleexcluded name was not requiredmoduleidentifier already providedmoduleexcluded identifier was not definedmoduleidentifier already providedmoduleprovided identifier not defined or importedbad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (prefix missing)bad syntax (module name missing)bad syntax (extra data after module name)bad prefix (not an identifier)bad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (prefix missing)bad syntax (module name missing)bad prefix (not an identifier)bad syntax (excluded name is not an identifier)bad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (module name missing)bad syntax (internal name missing)bad syntax (external name missing)bad syntax (extra data after external name)bad syntax (internal name is not an identifier)bad syntax (external name is not an identifier)no such provided variableduplicate import identifiernot at top-level or in module bodynot in module bodynot in module bodytcp-connecttcp-connecttcp-connect/enable-breaktcp-connect/enable-breaktcp-listentcp-listentcp-closetcp-closetcp-accept-ready?tcp-accept-ready?tcp-accepttcp-accepttcp-accept/enable-breaktcp-accept/enable-breaktcp-listener?tcp-listener?tcp-addressestcp-addressestcp-abandon-porttcp-abandon-porttcp-port?tcp-port?udp-open-socketudp-open-socketudp-closeudp-closeudp?udp?udp-bound?udp-bound?udp-connected?udp-connected?udp-bind!udp-bind!udp-connect!udp-connect!udp-send-toudp-send-toudp-sendudp-sendudp-send-to*udp-send-to*udp-send*udp-send*udp-send-to/enable-breakudp-send-to/enable-breakudp-send/enable-breakudp-send/enable-breakudp-receive!udp-receive!udp-receive!*udp-receive!*udp-receive!/enable-breakudp-receive!/enable-breakudp->receive-waitableudp->receive-waitableudp->send-waitableudp->send-waitabletcp-write-stringtcp-connectstringtcp-connectexact integer in [1, 65535]tcp-connecttcp-connectnetworktcptcp-listenexact integer in [1, 65535]tcp-listensmall positive integertcp-connectstring or #ftcp-listentcp-listennetworktcptcp-closetcp-listenertcp-accept-ready?tcp-listenertcp-accepttcp-listenertcp-acceptnetworkTCPtcp-addressestcp-port%d.%d.%d.%d%d.%d.%d.%dtcp-abandon-porttcp-portudp-open-socketudp-open-socketnetworkudp-closeudp-socketudp-bound?udp-socketudp-connected?udp-socketudp-socketudp-bind!udp-connect!udp-socketstringexact integer in [1, 65535]stringudp-send-toudp-sendudp-send-to*udp-send*udp-socketmutable-string%d.%d.%d.%dudp-receive!udp-receive!*udp-socketudp->receive-waitableudp->send-waitableadd1add1sub1sub1++--**//absabsquotientquotientremainderremainderquotient/remainderquotient/remaindermodulomoduloadd1numbersub1number+number+number+number+number+number+number-number-number-number-number-number-number*number*number*number*number*number*number/number/number/number/number/number/number+number+number+number*number*number*number-number-number/number/numberabsreal numberintegerintegerquotientquotientintegerintegerquotient/remaindernumber?number?complex?complex?real?real?rational?rational?integer?integer?exact?exact?inexact?inexact?odd?odd?even?even?bitwise-andbitwise-andbitwise-iorbitwise-iorbitwise-xorbitwise-xorbitwise-notbitwise-notarithmetic-shiftarithmetic-shiftgcdgcdlcmlcmfloorfloorceilingceilingtruncatetruncateroundroundnumeratornumeratordenominatordenominatorexpexploglogsinsincoscostantanasinasinacosacosatanatansqrtsqrtinteger-sqrtinteger-sqrtinteger-sqrt/remainderinteger-sqrt/remainderexptexptmake-rectangularmake-rectangularmake-polarmake-polarreal-partreal-partimag-partimag-partangleanglemagnitudemagnitudeexact->inexactexact->inexactinexact->exactinexact->exactexact?numberinexact?numberodd?integereven?integergcdintegergcdintegergcdintegerlcmintegerlcmintegerlcmintegerfloorreal numberceilingreal numbertruncatereal numberroundreal numberreal numberexpnumberlognumbersinnumbercosnumbertannumberasinnumberacosnumberatan (with two arguments)real numberatannumberatanreal numbersqrtnumberintegerinteger-sqrtinteger-sqrt/remainderexptnumberexptnumberexptnumberexptnumberexptnumberexptnumberexptnumbermake-rectangularreal numbermake-rectangularreal numbermake-polarreal numbermake-polarreal numberreal-partnumberimag-partnumbermagnitudenumberanglenumberexact->inexactnumberinexact->exactnumberbitwise-andexact integerbitwise-andexact integerbitwise-iorexact integerbitwise-iorexact integerbitwise-xorexact integerbitwise-xorexact integerbitwise-andexact integerbitwise-andexact integerbitwise-andexact integerbitwise-iorexact integerbitwise-iorexact integerbitwise-iorexact integerbitwise-xorexact integerbitwise-xorexact integerbitwise-xorexact integerbitwise-notexact integerarithmetic-shiftexact integerarithmetic-shiftarithmetic-shiftexact integer==<<>><=<=>=>=zero?zero?positive?positive?negative?negative?maxmaxminmin=number=number=number<real number<real number<real number>real number>real number>real number<=real number<=real number<=real number>=real number>=real number>=real number=number=number=number=number=number=number<real number<real number<real number<real number<real number<real number>real number>real number>real number>real number>real number>real number<=real number<=real number<=real number<=real number<=real number<=real number>=real number>=real number>=real number>=real number>=real number>=real numberzero?numberpositive?real numbernegative?real numbermaxnumbermaxnumbermaxnumbermaxnumbermaxnumbermaxnumberminnumberminnumberminnumberminnumberminnumberminnumbermaxreal numbermaxreal numbermaxreal numberminreal numberminreal numberminreal numbernumber->stringnumber->stringstring->numberstring->numberinteger-byte-string->integerinteger-byte-string->integerinteger->integer-byte-stringinteger->integer-byte-stringfloating-point-byte-string->realfloating-point-byte-string->realreal->floating-point-byte-stringreal->floating-point-byte-stringsystem-big-endian?system-big-endian?randomrandomrandom-seedrandom-seedmake-pseudo-random-generatormake-pseudo-random-generatorpseudo-random-generator?pseudo-random-generator?current-pseudo-random-generatorcurrent-wait-pseudo-random-generatorread-number: bad radix specification: %tread-number: bad exactness specification: %tread-number: bad `#' indicator `%c': %tread-number: no digits+0.0+0.0iread-number: division by zero: %tread-number: division by zero: %tread-number: embedded null character: %tread-number: too many signs: %tread-number: cannot mix `@' and `i': %tread-number: `i' must be at the end: %tread-number: too many `@'s: %tread-number: `@' cannot be at start: %tread-number: division by zero: %tread-number: division by zero in %tread-number: multiple decimal points: %tread-number: decimal points and fractions cannot be mixed: %tread-number: cannot begin with `%c' in %tread-number: cannot have slash at start: %tread-number: multiple slashes: %tread-number: decimal points and fractions cannot be mixed: %tread-number: misplaced sign: %tread-number: misplaced hash: %tread-number: bad decimal number: %tread-number: misplaced hash: %tread-number: misplaced hash: %tread-number: bad decimal number %tread-number: bad exponent: %tread-number: division by zero: %tread-number: bad number: %tread-number: bad decimal number %tread-number: bad number: %tread-number: division by zero: %tread-number: bad number: %tnumber->stringnumbernumber->string2, 8, 10, or 16string->numberstringstring->numberexact integer in [2, 16]%.*gsmall integerinteger-byte-string->integerstring (2, 4, or 8 characters)integer->integer-byte-stringexact integerinteger->integer-byte-stringexact 2, 4, or 8integer->integer-byte-stringmutable stringfloating-point-byte-string->realstring (4 or 8 characters)real->floating-point-byte-stringreal numberreal->floating-point-byte-stringexact 4 or 8real->floating-point-byte-stringmutable stringrandom-seedexact integer in [0, 2147483647]randomexact integer in [1, 2147483647]textbinaryappenderrorreplacetruncatetruncate/replaceupdatenonelineblockexactSTDINsubprocesssubprocesssubprocess-statussubprocess-statussubprocess-killsubprocess-killsubprocess-pidsubprocess-pidsubprocess?subprocess?subprocess-waitsubprocess-waitshell-executeshell-executedepipepeekread-charread-stringpeek-charungetc overflowread-special-exception-handlerungotten characters at get-specialexn:read-special-width from port read-specialport read-special resultport read-special resultport read-special resultexact non-negative integerexact non-negative integernon-character in an unsupported context, from port: write-stringflush-outputfile-stream-port?portport-file-identityfile-stream-portstringsymbolinput file modefile-streamstringsymboloutput file modefile-streamalready-existsalready-existsfile-positionportfile-positionnon-negative exact integerfile-stream-buffer-modefile-stream-output-portfile-stream-buffer-mode'none, 'line, or 'blockmake-file-input-port(internal): null file pointerFILEmake-file-out-port(internal): null file pointersubprocess-statussubprocessrunningsubprocess-waitsubprocesssubprocess-killsubprocesssubprocess-pidsubprocesssubprocessfile-stream-output-portfile-stream-input-portfile-stream-output-portstring (with no null characters)string (with no null characters)exact command line not supported on this platformstring (with no null characters)file-streamsubprocess-stdoutsubprocess-stderrshell-executestring or #fshell-executestringshell-executestringshell-executepathname stringSW_HIDESW_MAXIMIZESW_MINIMIZESW_RESTORESW_SHOWSW_SHOWDEFAULTSW_SHOWMAXIMIZEDSW_SHOWMINIMIZEDSW_SHOWMINNOACTIVESW_SHOWNASW_SHOWNOACTIVATESW_SHOWNORMALshell-executeshow-mode symbolshell-execute!anyany-onereturnlinefeedreturn-linefeedallnonemodulewritedisplayprintdefault-port-read-handlerdefault-port-display-handlerdefault-port-write-handlerdefault-port-print-handlereofinput-port?input-port?output-port?output-port?file-stream-port?file-stream-port?current-input-portcurrent-output-portcurrent-error-portopen-input-fileopen-input-fileopen-input-stringopen-input-stringopen-output-fileopen-output-fileopen-output-stringopen-output-stringget-output-stringget-output-stringopen-input-output-fileopen-input-output-fileclose-input-portclose-input-portclose-output-portclose-output-portcall-with-output-filecall-with-output-filecall-with-input-filecall-with-input-filewith-output-to-filewith-output-to-filewith-input-from-filewith-input-from-filemake-custom-input-portmake-custom-input-portmake-custom-output-portmake-custom-output-portreadreadread-syntaxread-syntaxread-charread-charread-char-or-specialread-char-or-specialread-lineread-lineread-stringread-stringpeek-stringpeek-stringread-string-avail!read-string-avail!read-string-avail!*read-string-avail!*read-string-avail!/enable-breakread-string-avail!/enable-breakpeek-string-avail!peek-string-avail!peek-string-avail!*peek-string-avail!*peek-string-avail!/enable-breakpeek-string-avail!/enable-breakwrite-string-availwrite-string-availwrite-string-avail*write-string-avail*write-string-avail/enable-breakwrite-string-avail/enable-breakpeek-charpeek-charpeek-char-or-specialpeek-char-or-specialeof-object?eof-object?char-ready?char-ready?writedisplayprintnewlinenewlinewrite-charwrite-charport-read-handlerport-read-handlerport-display-handlerport-display-handlerport-write-handlerport-write-handlerport-print-handlerport-print-handlerglobal-port-print-handlerloadloadcurrent-loadcurrent-load-relative-directoryuse-compiled-file-kindstranscript-ontranscript-ontranscript-offtranscript-offflush-outputflush-outputfile-positionfile-positionfile-stream-buffer-modefile-stream-buffer-modeport-file-identityport-file-identitymake-pipemake-pipeport-count-lines!port-count-lines!port-next-locationport-next-locationport-count-lines-enableddefault-load-handlerdefault-global-port-print-handlerresult integer is larger than the supplied string: user port write-stringbad result for blocking mode: user port write-stringresult integer for blocking mode is not the length of the supplied string: user port write-stringresult integer is larger than the supplied string: user port write-stringnon-negative exact integer or #fmake-pipepositive exact integermake-custom-input-portmake-custom-input-portprocedure (arity 2) or #fmake-custom-input-portmake-custom-output-portprocedure (arity 0) or #fmake-custom-output-portmake-custom-output-portmake-custom-output-portopen-input-stringstringget-output-stringstring output portclose-input-portinput-portclose-output-portoutput-portcall-with-output-filecall-with-input-filewith-output-to-filewith-input-from-filedefault-port-read-handlerdefault-port-read-handlerinput-portdefault-port-read-handler#f or list of three non-negative exact integersreadinput-portread-syntaxinput-portread-syntax#f or list of three non-negative exact integersread handler for read-syntaxsyntax objectinput-portnon-negative exact integerspecialread-lineinput-portread-linenewline specification symbolnon-negative exact integermutable-stringnon-negative exact integerinput-portmaking string of length %sread-stringpeek-stringread-string-avail!read-string-avail!*peek-string-avail!peek-string-avail!*stringoutput-portwrite-string-availwrite-string-avail*char-ready?input-portdefault-port-display-handleroutput-portdefault-port-write-handleroutput-portdefault-port-print-handleroutput-portdefault-global-port-print-handleroutput-portoutput-portnewlineoutput-portnewline write-charcharacterwrite-charoutput-portwrite-charport-read-handlerinput-portport-read-handlerprocedure (arity 1 and 3)port-display-handleroutput-portport-display-handlerport-write-handleroutput-portport-write-handlerport-print-handleroutput-portport-print-handlerport-count-lines!input-portport-next-locationinput-portsomething elsedefault-load-handlerstringdefault-load-handlersymbol or #fstringill-formed-pathcurrent-load-relative-directorytranscript-onstringflush-outputoutput-port-qcode with only printable constants#<:>#%ld=#%ld#%ld()#&#hasheq( ( . ))#t#f##<primitive:>struct-procedure#<>procedure#<struct-type:>#<struct-type-property:>###rx#####internal error: non-compact quote compilationinternal error: bad type with writer#~209209#""( . ) . )#%d(#( )#\%03oinexact->exactrationalquotequasiquoteunquoteunquote-splicingsyntaxunsyntaxunsyntax-splicingquasisyntaxunresolvedread-case-sensitiveread-square-bracket-as-parenread-curly-brace-as-parenread-accept-graphread-accept-compiledread-accept-boxread-accept-bar-quoteread-decimal-as-inexactread-accept-dotread-accept-quasiquoteprint-graphprint-structprint-boxprint-vector-lengthprint-hash-tableread: illegal use of backquoteread: illegal use of `,'read: bad syntax `#'read: expected a commented-out element for `#;' (found end-of-file)read: bad syntax `#['read: bad syntax `#{'read: expected `s' or `i' after #cread: end-of-file after #c%cread: #~ compiled expressions not currently enabledread: end of file in #| commentread: #& expressions not currently enabledread: bad regexp string: %sread: bad syntax `#r%t%t'asheqread: bad syntax `#h%s%t'read: #..# expressions not currently enabledread: graph id too long in #%s#read: no #%ld= preceding #%ld#read: #..= expressions not currently enabledread: graph id too long in #%s=read: multiple #%ld= tagsread: expected an element for graph (found end-of-file)%s%cread: bad syntax `#%s'read: illegal cycle; indentation suggests a missing '%c' before line %ldread: expected a '%c'%sread: expected dotted hash pair before '%c'read: expected an '('%s%sread: expected `.' and value for hash before '%c'read: illegal use of "."read: expected '%c' after hash valueread: illegal use of "."read: illegal use of "."read: expected `.' and value for hashread: expected a closing '"'read: found non-character while reading a stringread: expected a closing '"'read: found non-character while reading a stringread: no hex digit following \x in stringread: escape sequence \%o out of range in stringread: unknown escape sequence \%c in string; newline within string suggests a missing '"' on line %ldreadmaking vector of size %s%ldread: vector length %ld is too small, %d values providedread: EOF following \ in symbolread: non-character following \ in symbolread: non-character following \ in symbolread: unbalanced `|'read: illegal use of "."read: found non-character after #\read: bad character constant #\%c%c%cnewlinenullnulspaceruboutreturnpagetabvtabbackspacelinefeedread: bad character constant: #\%sread: expected a character after #\read: expected an element for %s (found end-of-file)read: expected an element for #& box (found end-of-file)read: end of file in #| commentread: expected a commented-out element for `#;' (found end-of-file)unexpected%s '%c' to close '%c' on line %ld, found instead%s '%c' to close preceding '%c', found instead; indentation suggests a missing '%c' before line %ldread: %s '%c'%sread (compiled): ill-formed code209read (compiled): code compiled for version %s, not %sread (compiled): ill-formed code (bad count: %ld != %ld, started at %ld)regexp-matchregexp-matchstring->regexpstringyesregexp-or-stringoffset ending output-port or #fregexp-replaceregexp-or-stringregexp-replacestringregexp-replacestringregexp-replaceregexpregexpregexp-matchregexp-matchregexp-match-positionsregexp-match-positionsregexp-match-peekregexp-match-peekregexp-match-peek-positionsregexp-match-peek-positionsregexp-replaceregexp-replaceregexp-replace*regexp-replace*regexp?regexp?out of memory make-semaphoremake-semaphoresemaphore?semaphore?semaphore-postsemaphore-postsemaphore-try-wait?semaphore-try-wait?semaphore-waitsemaphore-waitsemaphore-wait/enable-breaksemaphore-wait/enable-breakmake-semaphore-peekmake-semaphore-peekmake-channelmake-channelmake-channel-put-waitablemake-channel-put-waitablechannel?channel?make-semaphorenon-negative exact integermake-semaphorenon-negative exact integermake-semaphore-peeksemaphoresemaphore-postsemaphoresemaphore-try-wait?semasemaphore-waitsemasemaphore-wait/enable-breaksemamake-channel-put-waitablechannelCunixsparc-solarisstring?string?make-stringmake-stringstringstringstring-lengthstring-lengthstring-refstring-refstring-set!string-set!string=?string=?string-ci=?string-ci=?string-locale-ci=?string-locale-ci=?string?string>?string-locale>?string-locale>?string<=?string<=?string>=?string>=?string-ci?string-ci>?string-locale-ci>?string-locale-ci>?string-ci<=?string-ci<=?string-ci>=?string-ci>=?substringsubstringstring-appendstring-appendstring->liststring->listlist->stringlist->stringstring-copystring-copystring-copy!string-copy!string-fill!string-fill!string->immutable-stringstring->immutable-stringformatformatprintfprintffprintffprintfversionversionbannerbannergetenvgetenvputenvputenvsystem-typesystem-typesystem-library-subpathsystem-library-subpathcurrent-command-line-argumentscurrent-localemake-stringnon-negative exact integermake-stringmake-stringmaking string of length %smake-stringcharacterstringcharacterstring-lengthstringstring-refstringstring-refstring-refstring-set!mutable-stringstring-set!string-set!characterstring-set!string=?stringstring=?stringstring?stringstring>?stringstring<=?stringstring<=?stringstring>=?stringstring>=?stringstring-ci=?stringstring-ci=?stringstring-ci?stringstring-ci>?stringstring-ci<=?stringstring-ci<=?stringstring-ci>=?stringstring-ci>=?stringstring-locale?stringstring-locale>?stringstring-locale-ci=?stringstring-locale-ci=?stringstring-locale-ci?stringstring-locale-ci>?stringstarting ending substringstringsubstringstring-appendstringstring-appendstringstring-appendstringstring-appendstringstring-appendstringstring->liststringlist->stringproper character listlist->stringproper character liststring-copystringstring-copy!mutable stringstring-copy!string-copy!stringstring-copy!string-copy!not enough room in target string: string-fill!mutable-stringstring-fill!characterstring->immutable-stringstringformat-stringpattern-string (tag ~%c not allowed)pattern-string (cannot end in ~)~ formatprintfformatprintffprintfoutput-portfprintfgetenvstring (with no null characters)putenvstring (with no null characters)putenvstring (with no null characters)sparc-solarisCC-asubprocessvaluesecondminutehourdaymonthyearweek-dayyear-daydst?time-zone-offsetarity-at-leastarity-at-leastdatedatecheck-waitable-property-value-okwaitableprop:waitablemake-struct-typemake-struct-typemake-struct-type-propertymake-struct-type-propertymake-struct-field-accessormake-struct-field-accessormake-struct-field-mutatormake-struct-field-mutatormake-wrapped-waitablemake-wrapped-waitablemake-nack-guard-waitablemake-nack-guard-waitablemake-poll-guard-waitablemake-poll-guard-waitablestruct?struct?struct-type?struct-type?struct-type-property?struct-type-property?struct-infostruct-infostruct-type-infostruct-type-infostruct->vectorstruct->vectorstruct-mutator-procedure?struct-mutator-procedure?struct-accessor-procedure?struct-accessor-procedure?struct-predicate-procedure?struct-predicate-procedure?struct-constructor-procedure?struct-constructor-procedure?make-inspectormake-inspectorinspector?inspector?current-inspector...make-inspectorinspectorproperty accessorstruct or struct-type with propertymake-struct-type-propertysymbolmake-struct-type-propertyprocedure (arity 2) or #f-accessorprop:waitable-guardproperty value is not a waitable, procedure (arity 1), or exact non-negative integer: waitable-property-guardfield index >= initialized-field count for structure type: waitable-property-guardfield index not declared immutable: struct:non-negative exact integercannot modify value of immutable field in structure: struct-type-infostruct-typestruct-type-infocurrent inspector cannot extract info for struct-type: -ref-set!struct:struct:symbolfield%d-set--!make-struct-field-accessormake-struct-field-mutatormake-wrapped-waitablewaitable-objectmake-wrapped-waitablemake-nack-guard-waitablemake-poll-guard-waitablestruct:make-?-set--!-ref-set!struct exptime needs SCHEME_STRUCT_EXPTIMEmake-struct-typeindex for procedure >= initialized-field count: make-struct-typeparent type already has procedure specification, new one disallowed: make-struct-typeduplicate property binding: make-struct-typesymbolmake-struct-typestruct-type or #fmake-struct-typenon-negative exact integermake-struct-typenon-negative exact integermake-struct-typelist of struct-type-property--value pairsmake-struct-typeinspectormake-struct-typeexact non-negative integer, procedure, or #fmake-struct-typelist of exact non-negative integerssyntax?syntax?syntax-graph?syntax-graph?syntax-object->datumsyntax-object->datumdatum->syntax-objectdatum->syntax-objectsyntax-esyntax-esyntax-linesyntax-linesyntax-columnsyntax-columnsyntax-positionsyntax-positionsyntax-spansyntax-spansyntax-sourcesyntax-sourcesyntax->listsyntax->listsyntax-original?syntax-original?syntax-propertysyntax-propertysyntax-track-originsyntax-track-originbound-identifier=?bound-identifier=?free-identifier=?free-identifier=?module-identifier=?module-identifier=?module-transformer-identifier=?module-transformer-identifier=?identifier-bindingidentifier-bindingidentifier-transformer-bindingidentifier-transformer-bindingidentifier-binding-export-positionidentifier-binding-export-positionidentifier-transformer-binding-export-positionidentifier-transformer-binding-export-positionsyntax-source-modulesyntax-source-module*sourceshareoriginlexicalbad 'share keysyntax-graph?syntaxsyntax-object->datumsyntaxdatum->syntax-objectsyntax or #fdatum->syntax-objectsyntax, source location list, or #fdatum->syntax-objectsyntax or #fdatum->syntax-objectline and column positions must both be numbers or #f in: syntax-esyntaxsyntax-linesyntaxsyntax-columnsyntaxsyntax-positionsyntaxsyntax-spansyntaxsyntax-sourcesyntaxsyntax->listsyntaxsyntax-original?syntaxsyntax-propertysyntaxsyntax-track-originsyntaxsyntax-track-originsyntaxsyntax-track-originidentifier syntaxbound-identifier=?identifier syntaxbound-identifier=?identifier syntaxfree-identifier=?identifier syntaxfree-identifier=?identifier syntaxmodule-identifier=?identifier syntaxmodule-identifier=?identifier syntaxmodule-transformer-identifier=?identifier syntaxmodule-transformer-identifier=?identifier syntaxidentifier syntaxsyntax-source-modulesyntaxsymbol?symbol?string->symbolstring->symbolstring->uninterned-symbolstring->uninterned-symbolsymbol->stringsymbol->stringgensymgensymstring->symbolstringstring->uninterned-symbolstringsymbol->stringsymbolgensymsymbol or string%.80s%dg%dlambdaletreclet*letletrec-valueslet*-valueslet-valuesbegindisappeared-bindinglambdadefine-valuesquoteifset!case-lambdaletlet*letreclet-valueslet*-valuesletrec-valuesbeginbegin0unquoteunquote-splicingwith-continuation-markquote-syntaxdefine-syntaxesletrec-syntaxes+valuesfluid-let-syntaxbad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (has %d part%s after keyword)%s: cannot set identifier before its definition: %S in module: %S%s: cannot set identifier before its definition: %S%s%s%sillegal use (not at top-level)bad variable listbad syntax (wrong number of parts)bad syntax (wrong number of parts)internal error: set!: set!ed local variable is not boxedset!cannot mutate syntax identifierset!cannot mutate syntax identifierbad syntax (%s)multiple bindings of `%S' in the same clauseletlet*letrecletlet*letrecnamed letbad syntax (not an identifier-value pair)named letbad syntax (name not an identifier)named letbad syntax (not an identifier-value pair)named letbad syntax (extra form in indentifier-value pair)named letnamed letbad syntax (illegal use of `.')bad syntax (empty form)bad syntax (empty form)not in quasiquotebad syntax (not a binding sequence)bad syntax (not a binding sequence)%s%s%sletrec-valuesletrec-syntaxes+valuesletrec-syntaxes+valuesfluid-let-syntaxfluid-let-syntaxlet-one writer shouldn't be useddump-memory-statsdump-memory-statsvector-set-performance-stats!vector-set-performance-stats!make-namespacemake-namespacethreadthreadthread/suspend-to-killthread/suspend-to-killsleepsleepthread?thread?thread-running?thread-running?thread-dead?thread-dead?thread-waitthread-waitcurrent-threadcurrent-threadkill-threadkill-threadbreak-threadbreak-threadthread-suspendthread-suspendthread-resumethread-resumethread-resume-waitablethread-resume-waitablethread-suspend-waitablethread-suspend-waitablethread-dead-waitablethread-dead-waitablemake-custodianmake-custodiancustodian?custodian?custodian-shutdown-allcustodian-shutdown-allcustodian-managed-listcustodian-managed-listcurrent-custodiancall-in-nested-threadcall-in-nested-threadcurrent-namespacenamespace?namespace?security-guard?security-guard?make-security-guardmake-security-guardcurrent-security-guardthread-group?thread-group?make-thread-groupmake-thread-groupcurrent-thread-groupparameter?parameter?make-parametermake-parameterparameter-procedure=?parameter-procedure=?make-will-executormake-will-executorwill-executor?will-executor?will-registerwill-registerwill-try-executewill-try-executewill-executewill-executecollect-garbagecollect-garbagecurrent-memory-usecurrent-memory-usecustodian-require-memorycustodian-require-memorycustodian-limit-memorycustodian-limit-memoryobject-waitable?object-waitable?object-wait-multipleobject-wait-multipleobject-wait-multiple/enable-breakobject-wait-multiple/enable-breakwaitables->waitable-setwaitables->waitable-setemptyinitial#%memtracememory-trace-continuation-markmemory-trace-continuation-marknew-memtrace-tracking-functionnew-memtrace-tracking-functionunioned-memtrace-tracking-valueunioned-memtrace-tracking-valuecurrent-memory-usecustodian or memory-trace-functioncustodian-require-memorypositive exact integercustodian-require-memorycustodiancustodian-limit-memorycustodiancustodian-limit-memorypositive exact integercustodian-require-memorycustodianthe custodian has been shut down: make-custodiancustodianmake-custodianthe custodian has been shut down: custodian-shutdown-allcustodiancustodian-managed-listcustodiancustodian-managed-listcustodiancustodian-managed-listthe second custodian does not manage the first custodian: the current custodian does not solely manage the specified thread: make-thread-groupthread-groupbad process switchthreadthreadthreadthread/suspend-to-killthread/suspend-to-killthreadthread-running?threadthread-running?threadthread-waitthreadcall-in-nested-threadcall-in-nested-threadcustodiancall-in-nested-threadthreadnested-thread-exception-handlersleepnon-negative real numbersleepnon-negative real numberbreak-threadthreadkill-threadthreadkill-threadthread-suspendthreadthread-suspendthread-resumethreadthread-resumethread or custodianthread-suspend-waitablethreadthread-resume-waitablethreadthread-resume-waitablethreadwaitableinternal-make-waitable-setnon-negative real numberobject-wait-multipleobject-wait-multipleobject-wait-multiple/enable-breakobject-wait-multiple/enable-breakwaitables->waitable-setmake-parameterparameter-procedureparameter-procedure=?parameter-procedureparameter-procedure=?parameter-proceduredefault-eval-handlerdefault-print-handlerdefault-prompt-read-handlerdefault-load-extension-handlermake-namespace'empty or 'initialmake-security-guardsecurity-guardmake-security-guardmake-security-guardreadwriteexecutedeleteexistsclientserverwill-registerwill-executorwill-registerwill-try-executewill-executorwill-executewill-executorvector-set-performance-stats!mutable vectorvector-set-performance-stats!thread or #fvector?vector?make-vectormake-vectorvectorvectorvector-immutablevector-immutablevector-lengthvector-lengthvector-refvector-refvector-set!vector-set!vector->listvector->listlist->vectorlist->vectorvector-fill!vector-fill!vector->immutable-vectorvector->immutable-vectormake-vectornon-negative exact integermake-vectormake-vectormaking vector of length %svector-lengthvectorvector-refvectorvector-refvector-set!mutable vectorvector-set!vector->listvectorlist->vectorproper listvector-fill!mutable vectorvector->immutable-vectorvectorinexact->exactintegerchar?char?char=?char=?char?char>?char-locale>?char-locale>?char<=?char<=?char>=?char>=?char-ci=?char-ci=?char-locale-ci=?char-locale-ci=?char-ci?char-ci>?char-locale-ci>?char-locale-ci>?char-ci<=?char-ci<=?char-ci>=?char-ci>=?char-alphabetic?char-alphabetic?char-locale-alphabetic?char-locale-alphabetic?char-numeric?char-numeric?char-locale-numeric?char-locale-numeric?char-whitespace?char-whitespace?char-locale-whitespace?char-locale-whitespace?char-upper-case?char-upper-case?char-locale-upper-case?char-locale-upper-case?char-lower-case?char-lower-case?char-locale-lower-case?char-locale-lower-case?char->integerchar->integerinteger->charinteger->charchar->latin-1-integerchar->latin-1-integerlatin-1-integer->charlatin-1-integer->charchar-upcasechar-upcasechar-locale-upcasechar-locale-upcasechar-downcasechar-downcasechar-locale-downcasechar-locale-downcasecharacterchar=?characterchar=?characterchar?characterchar>?characterchar<=?characterchar<=?characterchar>=?characterchar>=?characterchar-ci=?characterchar-ci=?characterchar-ci?characterchar-ci>?characterchar-ci<=?characterchar-ci<=?characterchar-ci>=?characterchar-ci>=?characterchar?characterchar>?characterchar-ci=?characterchar-ci=?characterchar-ci?characterchar-ci>?characterinteger->charexact in [0, 255]integer->charexact in [0, 255]latin1-integer->charexact in [0, 255]latin1-integer->charexact in [0, 255]wrong-versionload-extensionload-extensioncurrent-load-extensionscheme_initialize_internal209scheme_initializescheme_reloadscheme_module_namenon-moduledefault-load-extension-handlerstringdefault-load-extension-handlersymbol or #fdefault-load-extension-handlerAbandoning stopped marking after %lu msecs(attempt %ld) ***>Full mark for collection %lu after %ld allocd bytes GC_try_to_collect_inner: finishing collection in progress Initiating full world-stop collection %lu after %ld allocd bytes Complete collection took %lu msecs --> Marking for collection %lu after %lu allocd bytes + %lu wasted bytes Abandoned stopped marking after %lu iterations Collection %lu finished ---> heapsize = %lu bytes World-stopped marking took %lu msecs Back height not available: Rebuild collector with -DMAKE_BACK_GRAPH Too many heap sections: Increase MAXHINCR or MAX_HEAP_SECTSTotal heap size: %lu Section %ld from 0x%lx to 0x%lx %lu/%lu blacklisted Failed to expand heap by %ld bytes Increasing heap size by %lu after %lu allocated bytes Memory available again ... Leaked atomic object at Leaked composite object at (%lu:%lu,%lu)(kind(0=ptrfree,1=normal,2=unc.,3=stubborn):size_in_bytes, #_marks_set) blocks = %lu, bytes = %lu Free list %ld (Total size %ld): 0x%lx size %lu start black listed partially black listed not black listed GC_large_free_bytes = %lu (INCONSISTENT!!) Total of %lu bytes on free list ***Section from 0x%lx to 0x%lx 0x%lx Missing header!!(%ld) free block of size 0x%lx bytes (unmapped) Block not on free list %ld!! Block on list %ld, should be on %ld!! used for blocks of size 0x%lx bytes Duplicate large block deallocation of 0x%lx Duplicate large block deallocationCaught signal %d: looping in handler Can't start up: not enough memory Can't start up: not enough memory GC_printf clobbered stackwrite to stdout failedGC_err_printf clobbered stackwrite to stderr failedwrite to stderr failed%s Failed to allocate freelist for new kindToo many kindsToo many mark procedures***Static roots: ***Heap sections: ***Free blocks: ***Blocks in use: ***Finalization statistics: /proc/%d/proc open failed/proc ioctl failedFrom 0x%lx to 0x%lx (temporary) Total size: %ld GC_root_size incorrect: %ld!! Too many root sets exclusion ranges overlapToo many exclusionsunexpected stateMarked from %lu dirty pages GC_mark_some: bad stateMark stack overflow; current size = %lu entries Grew mark stack to %lu frames Failed to grow mark stack to %lu frames No space for mark stack unexpected mark stack overflowunexpected mark stack overflowdirty bits not set upCant initialize GC_invalid_map: insufficient memory Bad argument to GC_register_displacementstart: 0x%lx, appr. length: %ldin registerin root setin object at Insufficient memory for black list Insufficient memory for black list Insufficient space for initial table allocationBad arg to GC_register_disappearing_linkBad arg to GC_general_register_disappearing_linkGrew dl table to %lu entries %lu finalization table entries; %lu disappearing links %lu objects are eligible for immediate finalization l00<0H0T0`0l0x00000000000000 0,080D0P0\0h0t0000000000000~0{0x(0u40r@0oL0lX0id0fp0c|0`0]0Z0W0T0Q0N0K0H0E0B0? 0<09$06003<00H0-T0*`0'l0$x0!0000000 0 00000 0,080D0P0\0h0t000000000000000(040@0L0X0d0p0|000000000000 0|0y$0v00s<0pH0mnnnnon u uo,o,H oJ. oboo$Dx ooel  $ 8 < D P \ d l t | =  @ }q @ +# @PX`h2 H |    $ $ $ $ % % % % %$ %0 %82#~209%\2beginD#Y`2#%stx A\8identifier?6stx-null?8stx-null/#f 6stx-pair?  6stx-list?  4stx-car4stx-cdr6stx->list8stx-vector?;stx-vector-ref:stx-check/esc4cons/#f6append/#f7stx-rotate8stx-rotate* !;split-stx-list" "    "   ,,]DNAJ"³ DNAJ//³ DNAJ//³ DNAJ ((³ DNA J  00´L  PJ!1loop#(+A ´(A + DNA!J(**³DNA"J(++³DNA#J ȲL  PJ #/ (+ȳ L  PJ##/()*+ DNA$J"r³vµ DNA%J!w´DNA&J DNA'J ) DNA(J /7 DNA)J 1DNA*J" 31DNA+J("L K L  PJ*#A L K A$")A(!A#-inf.0A#-inf.0N5#%kernel$#~209[V \2beginD#Yb8#%qq-and-or A\6qq-append 7quasiquote0and/or PNJ HOA   bad syntax A!A"A!A"A#A! 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K|m11*`?EiH,;?Նڵ'fE?'~x"M_?h% a#<?R ԥy?(mPq3? r6_#?ИQ5Q \'I?8/(7?  #  H  ! 2  L@:2BJ LL[Replace me for EXE hack ](let* ([sp (find-system-path 'exec-file)] [exe (find-executable-path sp #f)][s (with-input-from-file exe (lambda () (file-position (current-input-port)) (read-string (- ))))][p (open-input-string s)])(when (and (> (string-length s) 2)(char=? (string-ref s 0) #\#)(char=? (string-ref s 1) #\!))(read-line p))(let loop () (let ([e (parameterize ([read-accept-compiled #t]) (read p))])(unless (eof-object? e) (eval e) (loop)))))-h-e-f-d-t-F-D-T-l-g-s-r-i-u-I-x-v-q-A-m-w-bfile and collectioncollectionstarting and ending offsetsending offset%s Startup file and expression switches: -e , --eval : Evaluates after MzScheme starts. -f , --load : Loads after MzScheme starts. -d , --load-cd : Load/cds after MzScheme starts. -t , --require : Requires after MzScheme starts. -F, --Load : Loads all remaining arguments after MzScheme starts. -D, --Load-cd : Load/cds all remaining arguments after MzScheme starts. -T, --Require : Requires all remaining arguments after MzScheme starts. -l , --mzlib : Same as -e '(require (lib ""))'. -L : Same as -e '(require (lib "" ""))'. -M : Same as -e '(require (lib ".ss" ""))'. -r, --script : Script mode: use as last switch for scripts. Same as -fmv-. -i, --script-cd : Like -r, but also sets the directory. Same as -dmv-. -u, --require-script : Like -r, but requires a module. Same as -tmv-. -w, --awk : Same as -l awk.ss. -k : Load executable-embedded code from file offset to . -C, --main : Like -r, then call `main' w/argument list; car is file name. Initialization switches: -x, --no-lib-path : Skips trying to set current-library-collection-paths. -q, --no-init-file : Skips trying to load ~/.mzschemerc. -A : Skips defining `argv' and `program'. Language setting switches: -g, --case-sens : Identifiers and symbols are initially case-sensitive. -s, --set-undef : Set! works on undefined identifiers. Miscellaneous switches: -- : No argument following this switch is used as a switch. -m, --mute-banner : Suppresses the startup banner text. -v, --version : Suppresses the read-eval-print loop. -b, --binary : Read stdin and write stdout/stderr in binary mode. -h, --help : Shows this information and exits, ignoring other switches. Multiple single-letter switches can be collapsed, with arguments placed after the collapsed switches; the first collapsed switch cannot be --. E.g.: `-vfme file expr' is the same as `-v -f file -m -e expr'. Extra arguments following the last switch are put into the Scheme global variable `argv' as a vector of strings. The name used to start MzScheme is put into the global variable `program' as a string. Expressions/files/--main/etc. are evaluated/loaded in order as provided. An error during evaluation/loading causes later ones to be skipped. The current-library-collection-paths is automatically set before any expressions/files are evaluated/loaded, unless the -x or --no-lib-path switch is used. The file ~/.mzschemerc is loaded before any provided expressions/files are evaluated/loaded, unless the -q or --no-init-file switch is used. If the executable name has the form scheme-, then the command line is effectively prefixed with: -qAeC '(require (lib "init.ss" "script-lang" ""))' Thus, the first command-line argument serves as the name of a file; the file should define `main', which is called with the arguments in a list, starting with the path of the loaded file. For general information about MzScheme, see: http://www.plt-scheme.org/software/mzscheme/ module-bodytop-leveldifferent lexicalmodulenamespace-variable-value: %S is not definednamespace-set-variable-value!namespace-undefine-variable!: %S is not definedsyntax-local-value: not currently transformingnot defined as syntax (after renaming): not defined as syntax: syntax-local-name: not currently transformingsyntax-local-context: not currently transformingsyntax-local-introduce: not currently transformingsyntax-local-module-introduce: not currently transformingsyntax-local-get-shadower: not currently transformingerror-display-handlererror-value->string-handlererror-escape-handlerexit-handlererror-print-widtherror-print-source-location [during expansion]%t...sss%t%targumentsresultsstndrdthargumentresult%s: expects %s of type <%s>; given %tother %s: expects type <%s> as %d%s %s, given: %t%t%s: %s%tUNKNOWN: %t%s%t%sbad syntax%t (no arguments)procedure application: expected procedure, given: %t%t: ()ss%t%s%sout of memory %t: reference to undefined identifier: %Sraise-type-error: position index is %V, but only %d arguments providederror-print-widthinteger greater than threeerror-print-source-locationerror-display-handlererror-value->string-handlererror-escape-handlerexit-handlerexception raised [message field is not a string]current-exception-handlerinitial-exception-handlerexception raised: exception raised [message field is not a string]raise called (with non-exception value)exception raised[exception message field is not a string]raise called (with non-exception value)exception handlerdebug info handlerexception handler did not escapecurrent-exception-handlerinitial-exception-handlerbreak-enabledcurrent-evalcompile-allow-set!-undefinedStack grows UP, not DOWN. function applicationreference to top-level identifiersliteral datafunction applicationargumentunbound variable in module (transformer environment)unbound variable in modulecontinuation application: attempted to apply foreign continuation (created in another thread)continuation application: attempted to cross a continuation boundarycontinuation application: attempt to jump into an escape continuationcontinuation application: attempted to apply foreign escape continuation (created in another thread)continuation application: attempted to cross an escape continuation boundaryeval-handlerlocal-expand: not currently transformingcompile-allow-set!-undefinedbreak-enabledcurrent-directorycurrent-library-collection-paths.current-directory: unknown failure (%e)current-directory: unable to switch to directory: "%q"%s: pathname%s is empty%s: pathname%s contains a null character: %Q%s: bad username in path: "%q"%s: bad username in path: "%q"port-file-identity: error obtaining identity (%E)...other build-path: %d%s pathname element is an empty string%tbuild-path: absolute path "%q" cannot be added to a pathnamesplit-path: pathname is an empty stringpath->complete-path: second argument is not a complete path: "%q"delete-file: cannot delete file: "%q" (%e)rename-file-or-directory: cannot rename file or directory: %q to: %q (%e)source file does not existdestination already existscannot open source filecannot open destination filecannot set destination's moderead or write failedcopy-file: %s; cannot copy: %q to: %qsimplify-path: cycle detected at link: "%q"current-drive: not supporteddirectory-list: could not open "%q".make-directory: cannot make directory: %q (%e)delete-directory: cannot delete directory: %q (%e)make-file-or-directory-link: cannot make link: %q (%e)file-or-directory-modify-seconds: integer %s is out-of-rangefile-or-directory-modify-seconds: error %s file/directory time: %q (%e)settinggettingfile-or-directory-permissions: file or directory not found: "%q"file-size: file not found: "%q"current-directory: directory not found or not a directory: "%q"current-directorycomplete path stringcurrent-library-collection-pathslist of complete path strings/usr/tmp/tmp~//.mzschemerc/.plt-prefs.ss/.plt-scheme/current-printcurrent-prompt-read:::%S: return value from syntax expander was not syntax%s: all lists must have same size%t%s: arity mismatch for %t%s: argument list mutatedmapfor-eachandmapormapseconds->date: integer %s is out-of-rangetime-apply: arity mismatch for %tcurrent-printcurrent-prompt-readwrite-image-to-file: not supportedread-image-from-file: not supportedmap%s: index %s too large for list%s: %t (not a proper list)%s: index %s too large for list%s: %t (not a proper list)list-taillist-ref%s: not a proper list: %Vmemv%s: not a proper list: %Vmemq%s: not a proper list: %Vmember%s: non-pair found in list: %t in %tassv%s: not a proper list: %Vassv%s: non-pair found in list: %t in %tassq%s: not a proper list: %Vassq%s: non-pair found in list: %t in %tassoc%s: not a proper list: %Vassochash-table-get: no value found for key: %Vhash-table-maphash-table-for-eachcurrent-module-name-resolvercurrent-module-name-prefixcurrent-module-name-resolvercurrent-module-name-prefixsymbol or #fdynamic-requiredynamic-require-for-syntaxdynamic-require-for-syntaxdynamic-require%s: name is provided as syntax: %V by module: %Vdynamic-require-for-syntaxdynamic-require%s: name is not provided: %V by module: %Vdynamic-require-for-syntaxdynamic-require for syntaxnamespace-attach-module: a different module with the same name is already in the destination namespace%s, for name: %Smodule->namespace: cannot obtain namespace of attached module: %S; need to run in MrEd instead of MzScheme%s: unknown module: %S%srequire and at the expected positionmodule: import cycle detected at: %Smodule: import cycle detected at: %Sdefining "0 names"", ...module: cannot re-declare attached module: %Stcp-read: error reading (%e)tcp-write: error writing (%e); host not foundtcp-connect: connection to %s, port %d failed%s (at step %d: %E)tcp-listen: host not found: %stcp-listen: listen on %d failed (%E)tcp-close: listener was already closedtcp-accept-ready?: listener is closedtcp-accept: listener is closedtcp-accept: accept from listener failed (%E)tcp-addresses: port is closedtcp-addresses: could not get local address (%e)tcp-addresses: could not get peer address (%e)udp-open-socket: creation failed (%E)udp-close: udp-socket was already closedstring or #fstringexact integer in [1, 65535]exact integer in [1, 65535] or #f%s: last two arguments must be both #f or both non-#f, given: %V %V%s: udp socket was already closed: %V%s: udp socket is already bound: %V%s: can't %s to port: %d on address: %s (%E)bindconnect#f%s: can't resolve address: %s%s: udp socket is closed: %V%s: udp socket is%s connected: %V not%s: didn't send enough (%d != %d)%s: send failed (%E)%s: can't resolve address: %s%s: udp socket is not bound: %V%s: udp socket is closed: %V%s: receive failed (%E)/: division by zero/: division by zero%s: undefined for 0%s: undefined for 0.0%s: undefined for 0%s: undefined for %s0.0-remaindermoduloremaindernumeratordenominatorlog: undefined for 0atan: undefined for 0 and 0expt: undefined for 0 and %sangle: undefined for 0+inf.0-inf.0+nan.0-nan.0current-pseudo-random-generatorcurrent-wait-pseudo-random-generator-0.00.0number->string: inexact numbers can only be printed in base 10%s: no %s representation for %s12345678integer->integer-byte-string: integer does not fit into %d %ssigned bytes: %Vuninteger->integer-byte-string: string size %d does not match indicated %d-byte length: %V12345678real->floating-point-byte-string: string size %d does not match indicated %d-byte length: %Vcurrent-pseudo-random-generatorpseudo-random-generatorcurrent-wait-pseudo-random-generatorpseudo-random-generatorstdin%s: input port is closed%s: input port is closed#%s: input port is closedchar-ready?%s: input port is closed#%s: input port is closed#%s: input port is closed#%s: input port is closed#%s: output port is closed%s: output port is closed%s: output port is closed#%s: input port is closedport-file-identity%s: output port is closedport-file-identity in directory " on drive "%s: %s: "%q"%s%q%s (%e)rbrtother %s: bad mode: %s%t%s: conflicting or redundant file modes given%tcannot open input filecannot open directory as a fileother %s: bad mode: %s%s%s: conflicting or redundant file modes given%t%s: "%q" exists as a directory%s: file "%q" exists%s: error deleting "%q"cannot open output filethe port's current position is not known: %vfile-position: setting position allowed for file-stream and string ports only; given %s and position %sfile-position: new position is too large: %s for port: %sfile-position: position change failed on file (%e)file-position: position change failed on stream (%e)file-stream-buffer-mode: cannot determine the current buffer modefile-stream-buffer-mode: error changing buffering (%e)error reading from file port "%q" (%e)error reading from stream port "%q" (%e)error flushing file port (%e)error writing to file port (%e)error writing to stream port (%e)subprocess-kill: failed (%E)%s: pipe failed (%e)%s: pipe failed (%e)%s: pipe failed (%e)%s: fork failedshell-execute: not supported on this platformcurrent-input-portcurrent-output-portcurrent-error-portglobal-port-print-handlercurrent-loadcurrent-load-relative-directoryuse-compiled-file-kindsport-count-lines-enabledSTRINGuser port peek-stringuser port read-stringnon-negative exact integer, eof, waitable, or procedure of arity 4non-negative exact integer, eof, or procedure of arity 4user port peek-stringuser port read-stringPIPEcurrent-input-portinput-portcurrent-output-portoutput-portcurrent-error-porterror portCUSTOMPORTopen-input-fileopen-output-fileopen-input-output-filecall-with-output-filecall-with-input-filewith-output-to-filewith-input-from-fileread-charread-char-or-specialpeek-charpeek-char-or-specialwritedisplayprintglobal-port-print-handlerport-count-lines-enableddeclaration for `default-load-handler: expected a `module' declaration for `%S', found: %T in: %qdefault-load-handler: expected only a `module' declaration for `%S', but found an extra expression in: %qdefault-load-handler: expected a `module' declaration for `%S', but found end-of-file in: %qdefault-load-handlerloadcurrent-loadcurrent-load-relative-directory: not a complete path: "%q"current-load-relative-directory: directory not found or not a directory: "%q"current-load-relative-directorystring or #fuse-compiled-file-kindscompiled file kind symboltranscript-on: not supportedtranscript-off: not supportedwritedisplaywritedisplay%s: output port is closed%s: cannot marshal constant that is embedded in compiled code: %Vwritedisplayprimitive:\"\\\a\b\e\f\n\r\t\v\%o\%03o#\nul#\newline#\tab#\vtab#\space#\return#\page#\backspace#\ruboutread-case-sensitiveread-square-bracket-as-parenread-curly-brace-as-parenread-accept-graphread-accept-compiledread-accept-boxread-accept-bar-quoteread-decimal-as-inexactread-accept-dotread-accept-quasiquoteprint-graphprint-structprint-boxprint-vector-lengthprint-hash-tableread-case-sensitiveread-square-bracket-as-parenread-curly-brace-as-parenread-accept-graphread-accept-compiledread-accept-boxread-accept-pipe-quoteread-decimal-as-inexactread-accept-dotread-accept-quasiquoteprint-graphprint-structprint-boxprint-vector-lengthprint-vector-lengthquoting 'quasiquoting `unquoting ,@unquoting ,quoting #'quasiquoting #`unquoting #`@unquoting #` or '[' or '{'unexpectedexpectedmissing???209regexp: %sregexp too bigmissing closing parenthesis in patternextra closing parenthesis in patternjunk on end* or + operand could be emptynested *, ?, or + in patterninvalid range within square brackets in patternmissing closing square bracket in patterninternal urp?, +, or * follows nothing in patterntrailing backslash in pattern^$.[()|?+*\internal disastercorrupted programcorrupted pointersinternal foulupinput-portstring or input-port%s: ending index %V is smaller than starting index %V for portregexp-matchregexp-match-positionsregexp-match-peekregexp-match-peek-positionsout of memory warning: non-MzScheme finalization on object dropped!Begin Dump End Dump make-semaphore: starting value %s is too largesemaphore-post: the maximum post count has already been reachedcurrent-command-line-argumentscurrent-locale%s: %sindex %s out of range [%d, %d] for string: %t%s: %sindex %s out of range for empty stringnon-negative exact integer or #fnon-negative exact integer%s: format string requires %d arguments, given %d%t%s: format string requires %d arguments, given %d%texact-numbercharacterother %s: format string requires argument of type <%s>, given %t%t209Welcome to MzScheme version 209, Copyright (c) 2004 PLT Scheme, Inc. current-command-line-argumentsvector of stringscurrent-locale#f or string/bin/uname/usr/bin/uname/sbin/uname/usr/sbin/uname/usr/local/unamecurrent-inspectorcurrent-inspectorinspector%s: expects args of type <%s>; given instance of a different <%s>%s: no slots in ; given index: %V%s: slot index for not in [0, %d]: %Vaccessor procedure that requires a field indexmutator procedure that requires a field indextoo many fields for struct-type; maximum total field count is 32768make-struct-type: index %V for immutable field >= initialized-field count %d in list: %Vmake-struct-type: redundant immutable field index %V in list: %Videntifier-bindingidentifier-transformer-bindingidentifier-binding-export-positionidentifier-transformer-binding-export-positionsargumentargument%s: cannot set undefined identifier: %Sdefine-syntaxesdefine-valuesdefine-syntaxesdefine-valuesdefine-syntaxesdefine-valuesdefining "0 names"", ...bindingset!empty bodyillegal use of `.'bad syntax (empty body)bindingbad syntax (empty body)clause bindingbindingbindingbad syntax (illegal use of `.')letlet*letreclet-valueslet*-valuesletrec-valuesnamed letnamed letbeginbegin0beginbegin0bad syntax (binding clause not an identifier sequence and expression)bad syntax (binding clause not an identifier and expression)bindingbindingdefining "0 names"", ...letrec-valuescurrent-custodiancurrent-namespacecurrent-security-guardcurrent-thread-groupcustodian-require-memory: not supportedcustodian-limit-memory: not supportedcurrent-custodiancustodiancurrent-thread-groupthread-groupunbreakable deadlock call-in-nested-thread: the thread was killed, or it exited via the default error escape handleruser breakparameter-procedurecurrent-namespacenamespacecurrent-security-guardsecurity-guard%s: index %s out of range [%d, %d] for vector: %t%s: bad index %s for empty vectorvector-refvector-set!bad bignum radix (%d)00char-alphabetic?char-locale-alphabetic?char-numeric?char-locale_numeric?char-whitespace?char-locale-whitespace?char-upper-case?char-locale-upper-case?char-lower-case?char-locale-lower-case?char->integerchar->latin-1-integerchar-upcasechar-locale-upcasechar-downcasechar-locale-downcasecurrent-load-extensioncurrent-load-extensionload-extension: couldn't open "%s" (%s)load-extension: "%s" is not an extension (%s)load-extension: bad version %s (not %s) from "%s"209load-extension: no %s in "%s" (%s)scheme_module_namescheme_reloadscheme_initializea dynamic extension has been loadedmodule `load-extension: expected module `%S', but found %T in: %sload-extension./gmp/gmp.c(2 * un + 30) > powtab_mem_ptr - powtab_mem./gmp/gmp.cc == 0./gmp/gmp.cdsize > 2Copyright 1988,1989 Hans-J. Boehm and Alan J. Demers Copyright (c) 1991-1995 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1996-1998 by Silicon Graphics. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved. THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. ANY USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK.See source code for details.GC Warning: Too close to address space limit: blacklisting ineffective GC Warning: Out of Memory! Returning NIL! GC Warning: Header allocation failed: Dropping block. GC Warning: GC_PAUSE_TIME_TARGET environment variable value too small or bad syntax: Ignoring GC Warning: GC_LARGE_ALLOC_WARN_INTERVAL environment variable has bad value: Ignoring GC Warning: Bad initial heap size %s - ignoring it. GC Warning: Bad maximum heap size %s - ignoring it. GC Warning: Insufficient space for /proc read .HDP u u v vX eelm#0f f m05m4Hm$Vb#0kmv v b#0km8v v   D (P xP P  < l ( L\ <  R 00 i `, {  0< b#0km<v v , <  (  80  h0 " @ &0 &h b#0km@v v  m@mD(mH<#0L#4Z08T n*\ |0 b  c h e, f g iHT i 4l`0 Hl8 VoX im yn\ r4, r`@ r4 rT s8 s4  s( t4@ &tt, 5t CuH OuX Zul ku v( 9 =dx @4$ @  @ G4 GLH G _ "qP 2b#8kmLv v :#8D#<L#@N#D_#Hl#L#Pw@ w, $ xpX y ,    #x 84 N4 i4 ~H4 `@ 8 || `( @H  p T ', 7  @4 L` Vp$ y \   ,4  <4 p4  ,  $  b#Tkmv v #T"#X3#\E#`S#dj#h|#l#p#t#x#|### # # (# =# ># K# Z# g# r# # ] ] ]\ ^T ^t ^ ^@ ^ _x ` ,^d IF NG`\ ^H8 fIx yI4 I@ J KX Nh@ N O(@ Oh H P G4 (P8 <  G 0 R L _  m  y d  H   Հ | ֘ D  D P `( L . 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<K4h<J4h<J4e<I4h<J4k <K4h<J4n <L4q <M4t <N4n <L4q <M4n <L4h<J4q <M4k <K4t <N4h<J4n <L4n <L4h<J4t <N4r <L4n <L4n <L4n <L4n <L4n <L4h<J4n <L4n <L4q <M4h<J4q <M4n <L4i<I4 <K4 <M4 <N4<J4 <L4 <N4 <M4<J4 <M4 <N4 <N4 <N4 <L4 <N4 <N4cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.38 99/08/10 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.54 99/07/26 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.54 98/03/27 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.38 99/08/10 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.54 99/07/26 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.54 98/03/27 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.25 98/06/30 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.2 99/05/19 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.1 99/05/04 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.29 99/03/11 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.14 97/12/05 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.45 98/07/17 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.25 98/06/30 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)math.h 2.10 99/07/29 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.1 99/07/30 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29acomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)ulimit.h 1.5 92/07/14 SMI@(#)ulimit.h 1.10 93/10/15 SMI@(#)in.h 1.31 00/10/28 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.87 04/10/14 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.85 99/07/30 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.21 00/04/27 SMI@(#)param.h 1.76 00/02/14 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/03/15 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.29 97/06/29 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.25 98/06/30 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.3 95/12/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.20 97/09/22 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/10/23 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/05/08 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.54 01/03/12 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.14 97/12/05 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.45 98/07/17 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)math.h 2.10 99/07/29 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.1 99/07/30 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29acomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)math.h 2.10 99/07/29 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.1 99/07/30 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.38 99/08/10 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.54 99/07/26 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.54 98/03/27 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)math.h 2.10 99/07/29 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.1 99/07/30 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29acomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)math.h 2.10 99/07/29 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.1 99/07/30 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)ulimit.h 1.5 92/07/14 SMI@(#)ulimit.h 1.10 93/10/15 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.14 97/12/05 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.45 98/07/17 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.38 99/08/10 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.54 99/07/26 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.54 98/03/27 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.25 98/06/30 SMI@(#)math.h 2.10 99/07/29 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.1 99/07/30 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29@(#)stat.h 1.2 99/05/19 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.1 99/05/04 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)math.h 2.10 99/07/29 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.1 99/07/30 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29acomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)locale.h 1.19 99/08/10 SMI@(#)locale_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)libintl.h 1.12 97/08/20 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.38 99/08/10 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.54 99/07/26 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.54 98/03/27 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)math.h 2.10 99/07/29 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.1 99/07/30 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29acomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)locale.h 1.19 99/08/10 SMI@(#)locale_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)libintl.h 1.12 97/08/20 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)math.h 2.10 99/07/29 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.1 99/07/30 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29acomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)dlfcn.h 1.37 04/08/30 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)alloca.h 1.15 99/03/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.38 99/08/10 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.54 99/07/26 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.54 98/03/27 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)limits.h 1.51 99/10/08 SMI@(#)limits_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)int_limits.h 1.6 99/08/06 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.38 99/08/10 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.54 99/07/26 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.54 98/03/27 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15as: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15 cpp: Software Generation Utilities (SGU) SunOS/SVR4cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.38 99/08/10 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.54 99/07/26 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.54 98/03/27 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)setjmp.h 1.36 99/08/10 SMI@(#)setjmp_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.14 97/12/05 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.45 98/07/17 SMI@(#)fault.h 1.13 99/08/15 SMI@(#)syscall.h 1.77 01/07/07 SMI@(#)procfs.h 1.19 00/02/14 SMI@(#)old_procfs.h 1.41 98/02/13 SMI@(#)procfs_isa.h 1.7 98/03/10 SMI@(#)regset.h 1.24 99/10/05 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.2 99/05/19 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.1 99/05/04 SMI@(#)frame.h 1.15 97/04/25 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stdio.h 1.78 99/12/08 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.12 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.8 99/06/10 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.16 98/04/27 SMI@(#)time.h 2.67 03/08/07 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.5 99/10/05 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.37 98/10/28 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.47 99/11/03 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.2 99/12/21 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMIacomp: Sun C 5.6 2004/07/15iropt: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15cg: Sun Compiler Common 9.0 2004/07/15@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/02/14 SMI@(#)vmparam.h 2.35 98/06/03 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.58 99/11/11 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)types.h 1.69 03/08/07 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 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