$NetBSD: patch-bb,v 1.1 2000/03/20 02:25:42 itojun Exp $

--- ssh-des.h.orig	Wed May 12 07:19:25 1999
+++ ssh-des.h	Fri Dec 24 21:50:04 1999
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
  * $Endlog$
-#ifndef DES_H
-#define DES_H
+#ifndef SSH_DES_H
+#define SSH_DES_H
 typedef struct
@@ -35,40 +35,40 @@
 /* Sets the des key for the context.  Initializes the context.  The least
    significant bit of each byte of the key is ignored as parity. */
-void des_set_key(unsigned char *key, DESContext *ks);
+void ssh_des_set_key(unsigned char *key, DESContext *ks);
 /* Encrypts 32 bits in l,r, and stores the result in output[0] and output[1].
    Performs encryption if encrypt is non-zero, and decryption if it is zero.
-   The key context must have been initialized previously with des_set_key. */
-void des_encrypt(word32 l, word32 r, word32 *output, DESContext *ks,
+   The key context must have been initialized previously with ssh_des_set_key. */
+void ssh_des_encrypt(word32 l, word32 r, word32 *output, DESContext *ks,
 		 int encrypt);
 /* Encrypts len bytes from src to dest in CBC modes.  Len must be a multiple
    of 8.  iv will be modified at end to a value suitable for continuing
    encryption. */
-void des_cbc_encrypt(DESContext *ks, unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dest,
+void ssh_des_cbc_encrypt(DESContext *ks, unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dest,
 		     const unsigned char *src, unsigned int len);
 /* Decrypts len bytes from src to dest in CBC modes.  Len must be a multiple
    of 8.  iv will be modified at end to a value suitable for continuing
    decryption. */
-void des_cbc_decrypt(DESContext *ks, unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dest,
+void ssh_des_cbc_decrypt(DESContext *ks, unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dest,
 		     const unsigned char *src, unsigned int len);
 /* Encrypts in CBC mode using triple-DES. */
-void des_3cbc_encrypt(DESContext *ks1, unsigned char *iv1, 
+void ssh_des_3cbc_encrypt(DESContext *ks1, unsigned char *iv1, 
 		      DESContext *ks2, unsigned char *iv2,
 		      DESContext *ks3, unsigned char *iv3,
 		      unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
 		      unsigned int len);
 /* Decrypts in CBC mode using triple-DES. */
-void des_3cbc_decrypt(DESContext *ks1, unsigned char *iv1,
+void ssh_des_3cbc_decrypt(DESContext *ks1, unsigned char *iv1,
 		      DESContext *ks2, unsigned char *iv2,
 		      DESContext *ks3, unsigned char *iv3,
 		      unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
 		      unsigned int len);
-#endif /* DES_H */
+#endif /* SSH_DES_H */