Post-Install Notes for Majordomo ================================ Before you can use Majordomo, you will need to complete a few steps manually: - install in @HOME@/@MAJORDOMO_USER@. Look in @PREFIX@/share/examples/majordomo for an example and be sure to change instances of @HOSTNAME@ as appropriate. - create lists in @HOME@/@MAJORDOMO_USER@. Look in @PREFIX@/share/doc/majordomo for information and see the files and directories for an example list (example-l) in @PREFIX@/share/examples/majordomo. Pay attention to the permissions on the files and directories. - add a .forward file in @HOME@/@MAJORDOMO_USER@ (or an appropriate alias) so administrative mail to @MAJORDOMO_USER@ gets redirected properly. - install majordomo aliases for sendmail. For example, create /etc/aliases.majordomo following the example in @PREFIX@/share/examples/majordomo and add it to your sendmail configuration. This can be done by adding a line similar to the following to /etc/ : OA/etc/aliases.majordomo (for 8.6.x Sendmail), O AliasFile=/etc/aliases,/etc/aliases.majordomo (for 8.7.x and up), or a line similar to the following to your m4 macros file: define(`ALIAS_FILE',/etc/aliases,/etc/aliases.majordomo') - if the group for @MAJORDOMO_USER@ (@MAJORDOMO_GROUP@) is not daemon, add @MAJORDOMO_USER@ as a trusted user for sendmail. This can be done by adding a line similar to the following in /etc/ : T@MAJORDOMO_USER@ or a line similar to the following to your m4 macros file: define(`confTRUSTED_USERS', @MAJORDOMO_USER@)dnl - be sure to run `newaliases' to create the sendmail database, and be sure that sendmail knows about any changes to /etc/ (e.g., reboot or rerun sendmail) - add entries in /etc/newsyslog.conf to rotate the log in @HOME@/@MAJORDOMO_USER@/Log if necessary Enjoy Majordomo!