$NetBSD: patch-bg,v 2000/05/22 20:26:59 groo Exp $

--- /dev/null	Thu Dec 30 22:01:07 1999
+++ gc/sparc_netbsd_mach_dep.s	Thu Dec 30 22:19:46 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+!	SPARCompiler 3.0 and later apparently no longer handles
+!	asm outside functions.  So we need a separate .s file
+!	This is only set up for SunOS 4.
+!	Assumes this is called before the stack contents are
+!	examined.
+#include "machine/asm.h"
+	.seg 	"text"
+	.globl	_C_LABEL(GC_save_regs_in_stack)
+	.globl 	_C_LABEL(GC_push_regs)
+	ta	0x3   ! ST_FLUSH_WINDOWS
+	mov	%sp,%o0
+	retl
+	nop
+	.globl	_C_LABEL(GC_clear_stack_inner)
+	mov	%sp,%o2		! Save sp
+	add	%sp,-8,%o3	! p = sp-8
+	clr	%g1		! [g0,g1] = 0
+	add	%o1,-0x60,%sp	! Move sp out of the way,
+				! so that traps still work.
+				! Includes some extra words
+				! so we can be sloppy below.
+	std	%g0,[%o3]	! *(long long *)p = 0
+	cmp	%o3,%o1
+	bgu	loop		! if (p > limit) goto loop
+	add	%o3,-8,%o3	! p -= 8 (delay slot)
+	retl
+	mov	%o2,%sp		! Restore sp., delay slot