#!/bin/sh # $NetBSD: INSTALL,v 1.2 1999/05/24 20:11:10 tv Exp $ emul=linux if [ "$2" != "POST-INSTALL" ]; then exit 0; fi cat <<EOF ============================================================================== Do not forget to include COMPAT_LINUX and EXEC_ELF32 in your kernel configuration file. (Linux binaries require these options in order to work.) EOF if [ "`cd /etc && cd ${PKG_PREFIX}/emul/$emul 2>/dev/null && pwd -P`" != \ "`cd / && cd /emul/$emul 2>/dev/null && pwd -P`" ]; then if [ -e /emul/$emul -o -L /emul/$emul ] || \ [ \( -e /emul -o -L /emul \) -a ! -d /emul ]; then cat <<-EOF IMPORTANT: You must create a symbolic link from /emul/$emul to ${PKG_PREFIX}/emul/$emul in order for this package to work properly. (It seems there is something else located at /emul/$emul.) EOF else mkdir -p /emul ln -sf ${PKG_PREFIX}/emul/$emul /emul/$emul fi fi cat <<EOF ============================================================================== EOF