$NetBSD: patch-ai,v 1.4 2000/09/05 14:01:43 rh Exp $

--- etc/faxsetup.sh.in.orig	Thu Aug  5 13:11:42 1999
+++ etc/faxsetup.sh.in
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@
 # This script interactively prepares and verifies 
 # a HylaFAX client and/or server machine for use.
 test -d /usr/ucb  && PATH=$PATH:/usr/ucb		# Sun and others
 test -d /usr/bsd  && PATH=$PATH:/usr/bsd		# Silicon Graphics
 test -d /usr/5bin && PATH=/usr/5bin:$PATH:/usr/etc	# Sun and others
@@ -58,13 +60,14 @@
 GREP=@GREP@			# grep command for use below
 LN=@LN@				# ln command for use below
 LN_S=@LN_S@			# ln option for creating a symbolic link
+MKDIR=@MKDIR@			# directory creation program for use below
 MKFIFO=@MKFIFO@			# FIFO creation program for use below
 MV=@MV@				# move file for use below
 RMCMD=@RM@			# remove file for use below
 SCRIPT_SH=@SCRIPT_SH@		# shell for use below
 SED=@SED@			# sed for use below
-FAX=fax				# identity of the fax user
+FAX=@FAXUID@			# identity of the fax user
 SERVICES=/etc/services		# location of services database
 INETDCONF=/usr/etc/inetd.conf	# default location of inetd configuration file
 ALIASES=/usr/lib/aliases	# default location of mail aliases database file
@@ -138,6 +141,7 @@
@@ -741,6 +745,48 @@
     bitch "Sorry, but you must run this script as the super-user!"
+    if [ -d "${DIR_SPOOL}" ]; then
+	cat <<EOF
+  @SPOOL@ already exists, probably from a previous run of
+  faxsetup.sh --  I'm not touching it!
+  If you encounter problems, deinstall the HylaFax package,
+  remove @SPOOL@ and reinstall the package.
+    else
+	${MKDIR} -p -m 0755 ${DIR_SPOOL}
+	${MKFIFO} -m 0600 ${DIR_SPOOL}/FIFO
+	for i in archive docq doneq pollq sendq tmp ; do
+	    ${MKDIR} -m 0700 ${DIR_SPOOL}/$i
+	done
+	for i in bin client config cover dev etc info log recvq status ; do
+	    ${MKDIR} -m 0755 ${DIR_SPOOL}/$i
+	done
+	for i in `ls ${PREFIX}/share/hylafax/etc_template` ; do
+	    ${CP} -p  ${PREFIX}/share/hylafax/etc_template/$i \
+							${DIR_SPOOL}/etc/$i
+	done
+	for i in `ls ${PREFIX}/share/hylafax/config_template` ; do
+	    ${CP} -p  ${PREFIX}/share/hylafax/config_template/$i \
+							${DIR_SPOOL}/config/$i
+	done
+	for i in `ls ${PREFIX}/libexec/hylafax` ; do
+	    ${CP} -p  ${PREFIX}/libexec/hylafax/$i ${DIR_SPOOL}/bin/$i
+	done
+    fi
+Note "Creating spool directory structure"
 onClient && Note "Checking system for proper client configuration."
 onServer && Note "Checking system for proper server configuration."