$NetBSD: patch-ah,v 1.3 2000/08/30 09:50:45 abs Exp $

--- etc/faxaddmodem.sh.in.orig	Thu Jul 15 11:48:43 1999
+++ etc/faxaddmodem.sh.in
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 while [ x"$1" != x"" ] ; do
     case $1 in
     -s)	    SPEED=$2; shift;;
@@ -91,10 +92,11 @@
 SVR4UULCKN=$LIBEXEC/lockname	# SVR4 UUCP lock name construction program
 ONDELAY=$LIBEXEC/ondelay	# prgm to open devices blocking on carrier
 CAT="$CAT -u"			# something to do unbuffered reads and writes
-FAX=fax				# identity of the fax user
+FAX=@FAXUID@			# identity of the fax user
 GROUP=/etc/group		# where to go for group entries
 PROTOGID=$FAXGID		# group who's gid we use for FAX user
-defPROTOGID=10			# use this gid if PROTOGID doesn't exist
+defPROTOGID=117			# use this gid if PROTOGID doesn't exist
 MODEMCONFIG=$SPOOL/config	# location of prototype modem config files
 RMCMD="$RM -f"			# forced removal