/home/scole/Downloads/gcc6//GENERIC/exconcat.o: file format elf64-ia64-little Disassembly of section .text: 0000000000000000 : 0: 01 30 29 10 80 05 [MII] alloc r38=ar.pfs,10,8,0 6: 50 02 00 62 00 00 mov r37=b0 c: 05 00 41 00 zxt1 r40=r32;; 10: 11 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 16: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 1c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=10 ;; 20: 11 40 01 10 00 21 [MIB] mov r40=r8 26: 30 02 20 00 42 00 mov r35=r8 2c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=20 ;; 30: 11 40 25 10 00 21 [MIB] adds r40=9,r8 36: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 3c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=30 ;; 40: 08 20 41 10 00 21 [MMI] adds r36=16,r8 46: 20 02 20 00 42 00 mov r34=r8 4c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 50: 09 40 10 00 00 24 [MMI] mov r8=4 56: f0 d8 02 00 48 20 mov r15=91 5c: 05 18 01 84 mov r41=r35;; 60: 11 30 00 44 07 39 [MIB] cmp.eq p6,p7=0,r34 66: 00 00 00 02 00 03 nop.i 0x0 6c: 80 00 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few e0 ;; 70: 09 70 00 48 18 10 [MMI] ld8 r14=[r36] 76: 80 02 90 b0 20 00 ld8.a r40=[r36] 7c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 80: 0b 08 3c 1c 80 15 [MMI] st1 [r14]=r15,1;; 86: 00 00 38 00 23 00 st1 [r14]=r0 8c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 90: 11 40 01 48 18 11 [MIB] ld8.c.clr r40=[r36] 96: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 9c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=90 ;; a0: 04 00 00 00 01 00 [MLX] nop.m 0x0 a6: 00 00 00 00 00 20 movl r41=0x0 ac: 05 00 00 60 b0: 09 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 b6: 80 02 90 30 20 00 ld8 r40=[r36] bc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; c0: 11 48 05 52 00 20 [MIB] add r41=r1,r41 c6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 cc: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=c0 ;; d0: 08 40 00 00 00 21 [MMI] mov r8=r0 d6: 00 10 85 30 23 00 st8 [r33]=r34 dc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 e0: 01 00 00 00 01 00 [MII] nop.m 0x0 e6: 00 30 01 55 00 00 mov.i ar.pfs=r38 ec: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; f0: 11 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 f6: 00 28 05 80 03 80 mov b0=r37 fc: 08 00 84 00 br.ret.sptk.many b0;; 0000000000000100 : 100: 09 48 39 16 80 05 [MMI] alloc r41=ar.pfs,14,11,0 106: c0 00 33 7e 46 00 adds r12=-32,r12 10c: 05 00 c4 00 mov r40=b0;; 110: 09 70 40 18 00 21 [MMI] adds r14=16,r12 116: 50 02 31 00 42 80 adds r37=32,r12 11c: 84 61 00 84 adds r36=24,r12;; 120: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 126: 00 00 38 30 23 c0 st8 [r14]=r0 12c: 91 00 01 84 adds r14=9,r32 130: 0a 00 80 4a 98 11 [MMI] st8 [r37]=r32;; 136: 30 02 38 00 20 00 ld1 r35=[r14] 13c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 140: 0b 00 84 48 98 11 [MMI] st8 [r36]=r33;; 146: e0 f8 8f 7e 46 e0 adds r14=-1,r35 14c: 04 18 01 84 mov r39=r35;; 150: 11 30 08 1c 87 35 [MIB] cmp4.ltu p6,p7=2,r14 156: e0 48 84 00 42 03 adds r14=9,r33 15c: 60 02 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 3b0 ;; 160: 0b 58 01 1c 00 10 [MMI] ld1 r43=[r14];; 166: e0 f8 af 7e 46 00 adds r14=-1,r43 16c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 170: 11 30 08 1c 87 35 [MIB] cmp4.ltu p6,p7=2,r14 176: 00 00 00 02 00 03 nop.i 0x0 17c: d0 02 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 440 ;; 180: 11 30 08 46 87 39 [MIB] cmp4.eq p6,p7=2,r35 186: b0 02 84 00 42 03 mov r43=r33 18c: 90 02 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 410 ;; 190: 10 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 196: 60 18 8c 0e f3 03 cmp4.eq p6,p7=3,r35 19c: 10 03 00 42 (p07) br.cond.dptk.few 4a0 1a0: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 1a6: c0 82 30 00 42 e0 adds r44=16,r12 1ac: 34 00 00 90 mov r39=3 1b0: 19 00 00 00 01 00 [MMB] nop.m 0x0 1b6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 1bc: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=1b0 ;; 1c0: 09 30 01 10 00 21 [MMI] mov r38=r8 1c6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 1cc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 1d0: 11 38 00 4c 86 39 [MIB] cmp4.eq p7,p6=0,r38 1d6: 00 00 00 02 00 03 nop.i 0x0 1dc: 70 01 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 340 ;; 1e0: 09 58 01 48 18 10 [MMI] ld8 r43=[r36] 1e6: 00 00 00 02 00 e0 nop.m 0x0 1ec: 01 61 00 84 adds r15=16,r12;; 1f0: 11 70 00 1e 18 10 [MIB] ld8 r14=[r15] 1f6: 70 58 85 0c f0 03 cmp.eq p7,p6=r43,r33 1fc: 50 00 00 43 (p07) br.cond.dpnt.few 240 ;; 200: 11 30 38 56 07 38 [MIB] cmp.eq p6,p7=r14,r43 206: 00 00 00 02 00 03 nop.i 0x0 20c: 40 00 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 240 ;; 210: 11 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 216: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 21c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=210 ;; 220: 09 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 226: f0 80 30 00 42 00 adds r15=16,r12 22c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 230: 09 70 00 1e 18 10 [MMI] ld8 r14=[r15] 236: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 23c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 240: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 246: 60 10 9c 0e 73 00 cmp4.eq p6,p7=2,r39 24c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 250: 19 00 38 48 98 11 [MMB] st8 [r36]=r14 256: 00 00 00 02 00 03 nop.m 0x0 25c: 70 02 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 4c0 ;; 260: 10 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 266: 60 18 9c 0e f3 03 cmp4.eq p6,p7=3,r39 26c: b0 02 00 42 (p07) br.cond.dptk.few 510 270: 09 38 61 40 00 21 [MMI] adds r39=24,r32 276: 00 00 00 02 00 c0 nop.m 0x0 27c: 81 71 00 84 adds r14=24,r14;; 280: 09 70 00 1c 10 10 [MMI] ld4 r14=[r14] 286: b0 02 9c 20 20 00 ld4 r43=[r39] 28c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 290: 11 58 ad 1c 00 20 [MIB] add r43=r43,r14 296: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 29c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=290 ;; 2a0: 11 30 00 10 07 39 [MIB] cmp.eq p6,p7=0,r8 2a6: 30 02 20 00 42 03 mov r35=r8 2ac: 60 02 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 500 ;; 2b0: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 2b6: f0 80 20 00 42 c0 adds r15=16,r8 2bc: 01 01 01 84 adds r14=16,r32 2c0: 09 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 2c6: d0 02 9c 20 20 00 ld4 r45=[r39] 2cc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 2d0: 09 78 00 1e 18 10 [MMI] ld8 r15=[r15] 2d6: c0 02 38 30 20 00 ld8 r44=[r14] 2dc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 2e0: 11 58 01 1e 00 21 [MIB] mov r43=r15 2e6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 2ec: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=2e0 ;; 2f0: 09 70 00 48 18 10 [MMI] ld8 r14=[r36] 2f6: b0 02 9c 20 20 00 ld4 r43=[r39] 2fc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 300: 09 80 60 1c 00 21 [MMI] adds r16=24,r14 306: e0 80 38 00 42 60 adds r14=16,r14 30c: 85 58 01 80 add r43=r8,r43;; 310: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 316: d0 02 40 20 20 00 ld4 r45=[r16] 31c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 320: 19 60 01 1c 18 10 [MMB] ld8 r44=[r14] 326: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 32c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=320 ;; 330: 09 00 8c 44 98 11 [MMI] st8 [r34]=r35 336: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 33c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 340: 09 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 346: b0 02 94 30 20 00 ld8 r43=[r37] 34c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 350: 11 30 ac 40 07 38 [MIB] cmp.eq p6,p7=r43,r32 356: 00 00 00 02 80 03 nop.i 0x0 35c: 08 00 00 52 (p07) br.call.dptk.many b0=350 ;; 360: 09 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 366: b0 02 90 30 20 00 ld8 r43=[r36] 36c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 370: 11 30 ac 42 07 38 [MIB] cmp.eq p6,p7=r43,r33 376: 00 00 00 02 00 03 nop.i 0x0 37c: 20 00 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 390 ;; 380: 11 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 386: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 38c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=380 ;; 390: 02 40 00 4c 00 21 [MII] mov r8=r38 396: 00 48 01 55 00 00 mov.i ar.pfs=r41;; 39c: 80 0a 00 07 mov b0=r40 3a0: 19 00 00 00 01 00 [MMB] nop.m 0x0 3a6: c0 00 31 00 42 80 adds r12=32,r12 3ac: 08 00 84 00 br.ret.sptk.many b0;; 3b0: 11 60 01 4a 00 21 [MIB] mov r44=r37 3b6: b0 02 8c 00 42 00 mov r43=r35 3bc: 58 fc ff 58 br.call.sptk.many b0=0 ;; 3c0: 10 30 01 10 00 21 [MIB] mov r38=r8 3c6: 70 00 20 0c 73 03 cmp4.eq p7,p6=0,r8 3cc: 80 ff ff 4a (p06) br.cond.dptk.few 340 3d0: 0b 70 24 42 00 21 [MMI] adds r14=9,r33;; 3d6: b0 02 38 00 20 00 ld1 r43=[r14] 3dc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 3e0: 09 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 3e6: e0 f8 af 7e 46 00 adds r14=-1,r43 3ec: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 3f0: 10 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 3f6: 60 10 38 0e 6b 03 cmp4.ltu p6,p7=2,r14 3fc: 30 02 00 43 (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 620 400: 08 58 01 48 18 10 [MMI] ld8 r43=[r36] 406: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 40c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 410: 08 68 09 00 00 24 [MMI] mov r45=2 416: 00 00 00 02 00 80 nop.m 0x0 41c: 05 61 00 84 adds r44=16,r12 420: 19 38 09 00 00 24 [MMB] mov r39=2 426: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 42c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=420 ;; 430: 10 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 436: 60 02 20 00 42 00 mov r38=r8 43c: a0 fd ff 48 br.few 1d0 440: 11 60 01 48 00 21 [MIB] mov r44=r36 446: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 44c: c8 fb ff 58 br.call.sptk.many b0=0 ;; 450: 11 30 01 10 00 21 [MIB] mov r38=r8 456: 70 00 20 0c 73 03 cmp4.eq p7,p6=0,r8 45c: f0 fe ff 4a (p06) br.cond.dptk.few 340 ;; 460: 11 30 08 46 87 39 [MIB] cmp4.eq p6,p7=2,r35 466: 00 00 00 02 00 03 nop.i 0x0 46c: a0 ff ff 4b (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 400 ;; 470: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 476: 60 18 8c 0e 73 00 cmp4.eq p6,p7=3,r35 47c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 480: 19 58 01 48 18 10 [MMB] ld8 r43=[r36] 486: 00 00 00 02 00 03 nop.m 0x0 48c: 20 fd ff 4a (p06) br.cond.dptk.few 1a0 ;; 490: e9 38 05 00 00 24 [MMI] (p07) mov r39=1 496: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 49c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 4a0: 11 68 05 00 00 24 [MIB] mov r45=1 4a6: c0 82 30 00 42 00 adds r44=16,r12 4ac: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=4a0 ;; 4b0: 10 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 4b6: 60 02 20 00 42 00 mov r38=r8 4bc: 20 fd ff 48 br.few 1d0 4c0: 02 78 00 4a 18 10 [MII] ld8 r15=[r37] 4c6: e0 c0 38 00 42 e0 adds r14=24,r14;; 4cc: 81 79 00 84 adds r15=24,r15 4d0: 0b 70 00 1c 10 10 [MMI] ld4 r14=[r14];; 4d6: b0 02 3c 20 20 00 ld4 r43=[r15] 4dc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 4e0: 11 58 ad 1c 00 20 [MIB] add r43=r43,r14 4e6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 4ec: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=4e0 ;; 4f0: 10 18 01 10 00 21 [MIB] mov r35=r8 4f6: 60 00 20 0e f2 03 cmp.eq p6,p7=0,r8 4fc: d0 00 00 42 (p07) br.cond.dptk.few 5c0 500: 10 00 00 00 01 00 [MIB] nop.m 0x0 506: 60 22 00 00 48 00 mov r38=4 50c: 40 fe ff 48 br.few 340 510: 0b 38 01 02 00 24 [MMI] addl r39=0,r1;; 516: 70 02 9c 30 20 00 ld8 r39=[r39] 51c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 520: 09 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 526: b0 02 9c 00 20 00 ld1 r43=[r39] 52c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 530: 11 58 ad 00 10 20 [MIB] shladd r43=r43,1,r0 536: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 53c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=530 ;; 540: 08 38 00 10 06 39 [MMI] cmp.eq p7,p6=0,r8 546: 00 00 00 02 00 60 nop.m 0x0 54c: 04 40 00 84 mov r35=r8 550: 19 60 41 40 00 21 [MMB] adds r44=16,r32 556: 00 00 00 02 80 03 nop.m 0x0 55c: b0 ff ff 4b (p07) br.cond.dpnt.few 500 ;; 560: 09 70 40 10 00 21 [MMI] adds r14=16,r8 566: d0 02 9c 00 20 00 ld1 r45=[r39] 56c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 570: 09 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 576: e0 00 38 30 20 00 ld8 r14=[r14] 57c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 580: 11 58 01 1c 00 21 [MIB] mov r43=r14 586: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 58c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=580 ;; 590: 09 68 01 4e 00 10 [MMI] ld1 r45=[r39] 596: c0 02 90 30 20 00 ld8 r44=[r36] 59c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 5a0: 11 60 41 58 00 21 [MIB] adds r44=16,r44 5a6: b0 42 b4 00 40 00 add r43=r8,r45 5ac: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=5a0 ;; 5b0: 10 00 8c 44 98 11 [MIB] st8 [r34]=r35 5b6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 5bc: 90 fd ff 48 br.few 340 5c0: 09 70 00 4a 18 10 [MMI] ld8 r14=[r37] 5c6: 00 00 00 02 00 e0 nop.m 0x0 5cc: 01 41 00 84 adds r15=16,r8;; 5d0: 02 78 00 1e 18 10 [MII] ld8 r15=[r15] 5d6: e0 80 38 00 42 60 adds r14=16,r14;; 5dc: 05 78 00 84 mov r43=r15 5e0: 19 60 01 1c 18 10 [MMB] ld8 r44=[r14] 5e6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 5ec: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=5e0 ;; 5f0: 03 70 00 48 18 10 [MII] ld8 r14=[r36] 5f6: b0 02 20 00 42 c0 mov r43=r8;; 5fc: 01 71 00 84 adds r14=16,r14;; 600: 11 60 01 1c 18 10 [MIB] ld8 r44=[r14] 606: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 60c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=600 ;; 610: 10 00 8c 44 98 11 [MIB] st8 [r34]=r35 616: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 61c: 30 fd ff 48 br.few 340 620: 11 60 01 48 00 21 [MIB] mov r44=r36 626: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 62c: e8 f9 ff 58 br.call.sptk.many b0=0 ;; 630: 11 30 01 10 00 21 [MIB] mov r38=r8 636: 70 00 20 0c 73 03 cmp4.eq p7,p6=0,r8 63c: 10 fd ff 4b (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 340 ;; 640: 11 58 01 48 18 10 [MIB] ld8 r43=[r36] 646: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 64c: d0 fd ff 48 br.few 410 ;; 650: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 656: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 65c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 660: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 666: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 66c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 670: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 676: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 67c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 0000000000000680 : 680: 08 50 3d 18 80 05 [MMI] alloc r42=ar.pfs,15,12,0 686: c0 80 33 7e 46 20 adds r12=-16,r12 68c: 05 00 c4 00 mov r41=b0 690: 09 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 696: c0 02 80 00 42 00 mov r44=r32 69c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 6a0: 11 68 41 18 00 21 [MIB] adds r45=16,r12 6a6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 6ac: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=6a0 ;; 6b0: 11 18 01 10 00 21 [MIB] mov r35=r8 6b6: 70 00 20 0c f3 03 cmp4.eq p7,p6=0,r8 6bc: 30 00 00 43 (p07) br.cond.dpnt.few 6e0 ;; 6c0: 02 40 00 46 00 21 [MII] mov r8=r35 6c6: 00 50 01 55 00 00 mov.i ar.pfs=r42;; 6cc: 90 0a 00 07 mov b0=r41 6d0: 19 00 00 00 01 00 [MMB] nop.m 0x0 6d6: c0 80 30 00 42 80 adds r12=16,r12 6dc: 08 00 84 00 br.ret.sptk.many b0;; 6e0: 09 68 41 18 00 21 [MMI] adds r45=16,r12 6e6: 00 82 80 00 42 80 adds r32=16,r32 6ec: 05 08 01 84 mov r44=r33;; 6f0: 08 00 00 00 01 00 [MMI] nop.m 0x0 6f6: 40 02 b4 30 20 00 ld8 r36=[r45] 6fc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 700: 19 28 01 40 18 10 [MMB] ld8 r37=[r32] 706: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 70c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=700 ;; 710: 10 18 01 10 00 21 [MIB] mov r35=r8 716: 70 00 20 0c 73 03 cmp4.eq p7,p6=0,r8 71c: b0 ff ff 4a (p06) br.cond.dptk.few 6c0 720: 09 78 40 18 00 21 [MMI] adds r15=16,r12 726: 10 82 84 00 42 80 adds r33=16,r33 72c: 44 2a 15 80 sub r36=r36,r37;; 730: 09 70 00 42 18 10 [MMI] ld8 r14=[r33] 736: 50 02 3c 30 20 00 ld8 r37=[r15] 73c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 740: 0b 28 95 1c 05 20 [MMI] sub r37=r37,r14;; 746: 80 22 95 00 40 00 add r40=r36,r37 74c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 750: 11 60 09 50 00 21 [MIB] adds r44=2,r40 756: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 75c: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=750 ;; 760: 08 30 00 10 07 39 [MMI] cmp.eq p6,p7=0,r8 766: 00 00 00 02 00 c0 nop.m 0x0 76c: 01 41 00 84 adds r14=16,r8 770: 09 38 01 10 00 21 [MMI] mov r39=r8 776: 00 00 00 02 00 c0 nop.m 0x0 77c: 05 20 01 84 mov r46=r36;; 780: d1 18 11 00 00 24 [MIB] (p06) mov r35=4 786: 00 00 00 02 00 03 nop.i 0x0 78c: 40 ff ff 4b (p06) br.cond.dpnt.few 6c0 ;; 790: 09 30 01 1c 18 10 [MMI] ld8 r38=[r14] 796: d0 02 80 30 20 00 ld8 r45=[r32] 79c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0;; 7a0: 11 60 01 4c 00 21 [MIB] mov r44=r38 7a6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.i 0x0 7ac: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=7a0 ;; 7b0: 08 60 99 48 00 20 [MMI] add r44=r38,r36 7b6: e0 02 94 00 42 00 mov r46=r37 7bc: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 7c0: 19 30 99 50 00 20 [MMB] add r38=r38,r40 7c6: d0 02 84 30 20 00 ld8 r45=[r33] 7cc: 08 00 00 50 br.call.sptk.many b0=7c0 ;; 7d0: 09 70 04 4c 00 21 [MMI] adds r14=1,r38 7d6: 00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0x0 7dc: 01 18 01 84 mov r8=r35;; 7e0: 09 00 00 1c 80 11 [MMI] st1 [r14]=r0 7e6: 00 00 00 02 00 c0 nop.m 0x0 7ec: 91 07 00 90 mov r14=121;; 7f0: 09 00 38 4c 80 11 [MMI] st1 [r38]=r14 7f6: 00 38 89 30 23 00 st8 [r34]=r39 7fc: a0 02 aa 00 mov.i ar.pfs=r42;; 800: 00 00 00 00 01 00 [MII] nop.m 0x0 806: 00 48 05 80 03 00 mov b0=r41 80c: 00 00 04 00 nop.i 0x0 810: 19 60 40 18 00 21 [MMB] adds r12=16,r12 816: 00 00 00 02 00 80 nop.m 0x0 81c: 08 00 84 00 br.ret.sptk.many b0;; Disassembly of section .rodata.str1.8: 0000000000000000 <.rodata.str1.8>: 0: Address 0x0000000000000000 is out of bounds. Disassembly of section .IA_64.unwind_info: 0000000000000000 <.IA_64.unwind_info>: 0: 02 00 00 00 00 00 [MII] break.m 0x0 6: 01 00 46 25 02 e6 data8 0x895180004 c: 00 e4 01 61 data8 0xc203c801cc 10: 2e 00 00 00 00 00 [MMF] (p01) break.m 0x0 16: 00 00 03 00 00 00 break.m 0x3000 1c: 00 00 01 00 break.f 0x80000 20: 46 28 03 e6 00 e0 [-3-] data8 0x10007301942 26: 01 02 e4 02 61 7e data8 0x1840b900807 2c: 81 c0 01 61 data8 0xc2038102fc 30: 7e a1 00 00 00 00 [-f-] data8 0x00000050b 36: 00 00 03 00 00 00 data8 0x0000c0000 3c: 00 00 01 00 data8 0x002000000 40: 46 29 03 e6 00 e0 [-3-] data8 0x1000730194a 46: 01 01 e4 02 2f 81 data8 0xbc0b900407 4c: c0 01 61 3c data8 0x78c2038102 50: Address 0x0000000000000050 is out of bounds. Disassembly of section .IA_64.unwind: 0000000000000000 <.IA_64.unwind>: ... Disassembly of section .comment: 0000000000000000 <.comment>: 0: 00 47 43 43 3a 20 [MII] data8 0x101d21a1a38 6: 28 4e 65 74 42 53 (p32) adds r98=7465,r25 c: 44 20 6e 62 data8 0xc4dc4088a6 10: 34 20 32 30 31 38 [-a-] data8 0x1c189819101 16: 31 31 30 39 29 20 data8 0xa4e4c0c4c4 1c: 36 2e 35 2e data8 0x5c6a5c6c40 20: Address 0x0000000000000020 is out of bounds.