/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language * Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * written by Walter Bright * http://www.digitalmars.com * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt * https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/blob/master/src/parse.h */ #pragma once #include "arraytypes.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "enum.h" class Type; class TypeQualified; class Expression; class Declaration; class Statement; class Import; class Initializer; class FuncDeclaration; class CtorDeclaration; class PostBlitDeclaration; class DtorDeclaration; class StaticCtorDeclaration; class StaticDtorDeclaration; class SharedStaticCtorDeclaration; class SharedStaticDtorDeclaration; class ConditionalDeclaration; class InvariantDeclaration; class UnitTestDeclaration; class NewDeclaration; class DeleteDeclaration; class Condition; class Module; struct ModuleDeclaration; class TemplateDeclaration; class TemplateInstance; class StaticAssert; struct PrefixAttributes; /************************************ * These control how parseStatement() works. */ enum ParseStatementFlags { PSsemi = 1, // empty ';' statements are allowed, but deprecated PSscope = 2, // start a new scope PScurly = 4, // { } statement is required PScurlyscope = 8, // { } starts a new scope PSsemi_ok = 0x10 // empty ';' are really ok }; class Parser : public Lexer { public: Module *mod; ModuleDeclaration *md; LINK linkage; CPPMANGLE cppmangle; Loc endloc; // set to location of last right curly int inBrackets; // inside [] of array index or slice Loc lookingForElse; // location of lonely if looking for an else Parser(Loc loc, Module *module, const utf8_t *base, size_t length, bool doDocComment); Parser(Module *module, const utf8_t *base, size_t length, bool doDocComment); Dsymbols *parseModule(); Dsymbols *parseDeclDefs(int once, Dsymbol **pLastDecl = NULL, PrefixAttributes *pAttrs = NULL); Dsymbols *parseAutoDeclarations(StorageClass storageClass, const utf8_t *comment); Dsymbols *parseBlock(Dsymbol **pLastDecl, PrefixAttributes *pAttrs = NULL); StorageClass appendStorageClass(StorageClass storageClass, StorageClass stc, bool deprec = false); StorageClass parseAttribute(Expressions **pexps); StorageClass parsePostfix(StorageClass storageClass, Expressions **pudas); StorageClass parseTypeCtor(); Expression *parseConstraint(); TemplateDeclaration *parseTemplateDeclaration(bool ismixin = false); TemplateParameters *parseTemplateParameterList(int flag = 0); Dsymbol *parseMixin(); Objects *parseTemplateArguments(); Objects *parseTemplateArgumentList(); Objects *parseTemplateSingleArgument(); StaticAssert *parseStaticAssert(); TypeQualified *parseTypeof(); Type *parseVector(); LINK parseLinkage(Identifiers **, CPPMANGLE *, bool *); Identifiers *parseQualifiedIdentifier(const char *entity); Condition *parseDebugCondition(); Condition *parseVersionCondition(); Condition *parseStaticIfCondition(); Dsymbol *parseCtor(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Dsymbol *parseDtor(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Dsymbol *parseStaticCtor(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Dsymbol *parseStaticDtor(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Dsymbol *parseSharedStaticCtor(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Dsymbol *parseSharedStaticDtor(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Dsymbol *parseInvariant(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Dsymbol *parseUnitTest(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Dsymbol *parseNew(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Dsymbol *parseDelete(PrefixAttributes *pAttrs); Parameters *parseParameters(int *pvarargs, TemplateParameters **tpl = NULL); EnumDeclaration *parseEnum(); Dsymbol *parseAggregate(); BaseClasses *parseBaseClasses(); Dsymbols *parseImport(); Type *parseType(Identifier **pident = NULL, TemplateParameters **ptpl = NULL); Type *parseBasicType(bool dontLookDotIdents = false); Type *parseBasicTypeStartingAt(TypeQualified *tid, bool dontLookDotIdents); Type *parseBasicType2(Type *t); Type *parseDeclarator(Type *t, int *alt, Identifier **pident, TemplateParameters **tpl = NULL, StorageClass storage_class = 0, int *pdisable = NULL, Expressions **pudas = NULL); void parseStorageClasses(StorageClass &storage_class, LINK &link, bool &setAlignment, Expression *&ealign, Expressions *&udas); Dsymbols *parseDeclarations(bool autodecl, PrefixAttributes *pAttrs, const utf8_t *comment); Dsymbol *parseFunctionLiteral(); FuncDeclaration *parseContracts(FuncDeclaration *f); void checkDanglingElse(Loc elseloc); void checkCstyleTypeSyntax(Loc loc, Type *t, int alt, Identifier *ident); Statement *parseForeach(Loc loc, bool *isRange, bool isDecl); Dsymbol *parseForeachStaticDecl(Loc loc, Dsymbol **pLastDecl); Statement *parseForeachStatic(Loc loc); /** endPtr used for documented unittests */ Statement *parseStatement(int flags, const utf8_t** endPtr = NULL, Loc *pEndloc = NULL); Initializer *parseInitializer(); Expression *parseDefaultInitExp(); void check(Loc loc, TOK value); void check(TOK value); void check(TOK value, const char *string); void checkParens(TOK value, Expression *e); bool isDeclaration(Token *t, int needId, TOK endtok, Token **pt); bool isBasicType(Token **pt); bool isDeclarator(Token **pt, int *haveId, int *haveTpl, TOK endtok, bool allowAltSyntax = true); bool isParameters(Token **pt); bool isExpression(Token **pt); bool skipParens(Token *t, Token **pt); bool skipParensIf(Token *t, Token **pt); bool skipAttributes(Token *t, Token **pt); Expression *parseExpression(); Expression *parsePrimaryExp(); Expression *parseUnaryExp(); Expression *parsePostExp(Expression *e); Expression *parseMulExp(); Expression *parseAddExp(); Expression *parseShiftExp(); Expression *parseCmpExp(); Expression *parseAndExp(); Expression *parseXorExp(); Expression *parseOrExp(); Expression *parseAndAndExp(); Expression *parseOrOrExp(); Expression *parseCondExp(); Expression *parseAssignExp(); Expressions *parseArguments(); Expression *parseNewExp(Expression *thisexp); void addComment(Dsymbol *s, const utf8_t *blockComment); }; // Operator precedence - greater values are higher precedence enum PREC { PREC_zero, PREC_expr, PREC_assign, PREC_cond, PREC_oror, PREC_andand, PREC_or, PREC_xor, PREC_and, PREC_equal, PREC_rel, PREC_shift, PREC_add, PREC_mul, PREC_pow, PREC_unary, PREC_primary }; extern PREC precedence[TOKMAX]; void initPrecedence();